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  • giorgis 9:40 am on August 26, 2023 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: NTMTO, , StarWars   

    Redemption – A Star Wars Session 


    Ruleset: Never Tell Me The Odds

    Character: Tos’ar Bulmana
    Concept: Old drunkard Jedi
    Species: Human
    Specialty: Peculiar
    H Belief: The Force permeates all
    L Physique: Old and frail
    H Possession: Lightsaber
    M Relationship: A trusted friend
    L Reputation: A nobody
    M Resource: An old favour

    Never Tell Me The Odds (NTMTO) is meant for one-shot games. Therefore I will apply effort on character creation they commensurate to the length of the game. No deep background stories.
    There is this old Jedi template from WEG Star Wars 2nd edition. With the fall of the old republic and going into hiding, dude kinda lost morale and drunk his problems away.
    I always wanted to see how such a character would play out, but I don’t want to go into a long campaign arc which would be needed to develop such a character in any traditional RPG system. NTMTO sounds like a great fit. Remains to be seen how soloable it is.

    The core mechanic of NTMTO is simple, situations with risks are graded High, Medium or Low risk, which you attempt to resolve risking one factor (or your life) of your choice (belief, physique, possession, relationship, reputation, resource) graded respectively during chargen).
    The resolution from a simple die roll (evens/odds) leads to success or failure and possible endangerment of the risked factor. A second endangerment of the same factor means the factor is lost.
    Simple and intuitive system. One can easily tell that there is a constant burning of character capabilities. One must be careful of what they risk and when.

    As for the Oracle, I will be using the online version of GM’s Apprentice at (https://jamesturneronline.net/game-masters-apprentice/).
    I’m travelling at the moment so I want something that gives as much information as possible within a single output.

    On chargen I left some factors vague on purpose, not defining the friend or favour. Perhaps that’s in the spirit of the ruleset, but if not I want that extra leeway to ensure I can apply things as I want during game, which is especially important for solo as I won’t have the safety cushion of a whole party to ensure survival.
    Overall I decided that the High factors are his Belief and Posession, Medium are Resource and Relationship, and Low are Physique and Reputation.

    I deem that the overarching motivation of Tos’ar is to redeem himself and find the courage to get the fight back to the empire.

    Using the Quest generator from the Oracle I get the following:
    Framing event: Aftermath of Siege or Battle
    Objective: Rescue hostages from tavern
    Location: Laboratory
    Complication: It was all a diversion

    Q: Is the attacker of the battle the Empire?
    A: Yes

    Okay let’s try to frame the entire scene.

    >Vroobsu I. A rock planet in the outer rim with low gravity and breathable atmosphere it’s oceans of ice cover a quarter of the planet. Tos’ar Bulmana, a Jedi in hiding, spent the last decade hiding here and it’s the closest he could call as home, far away from the prying eyes of the Empire and their Inquisitors.
    Tos’ar is in his corner at slowly drinking his memories away at the Ice Rat. The holonews reporting the victory of the imperial fleet against a local band of rebels in the Vroobsu system. He’ll need something stronger to forget about the empire – they seem to be everywhere these days.
    At that very moment when the sweet dizziness is about to hit him, a commotion rattles around the cantina. An imperial officer escorted by stormtrooper squad has entered and they start asking the customers questions about a rebel leader.
    Tos’ar locks his old eyes with a young woman before turning back to his drink. But then something wakes him up. Like an electrical surge rushing through his veins.
    In an instant all that he was trying to forget came back to him. It was the look of fear in her eyes. Fear of being hunted. The same fear that he saw in countless friends when he was running away.
    This time, he had to do something.

    Tos’ar will walk up to her and ask her to follow him.
    There is a low risk that this movement will be detected, and he’ll try to match it with his low factor of Reputation that he’s a nobody.

    Result: Fail+Endanger

    >As Tos’ar gets off his seat, he has miscalculated how much he’s had to drink. He missteps and pushes the table to the side spilling down the drinks and glasses shatter with a loud crash. The entire wing of the cantina is looking at him. There’s no way he can get to assist the rebel girl without drawing extra attention to her.

    Q: Do the stormtroopers come to him? (Likely)
    A: Yes

    Seeing how he’s made such a great fuss, the imperials disregard a few patrons and head directly to Tos’ar.
    A holo portrait of the frightened girl he locked eyes with earlier is displayed in front of him, captioned by her name. Rema Berexel. The officer asks if he’s seen her anywhere.
    “A reward is in place. You’ll have as many drinks as you like old man.” He says trying to make the offer as desirable as possible.

    Tos’ar will try to secure his endangered reputation factor by risking his physique. He’ll plead to his old and frail appearance that he has no idea and no connection to the rebel cause.

    Result: Succeed.

    With a crooked voice, breaking words, Tos’ar looks at the imperial officer. “What would an old fool like me have to do with young daredevils? You’re knocking at the wrong tree. I’d sure take you on your offer to refill my glass.” He raises his glass to him, which the imperial officer quickly shoved aside brushing it away. The glass falls and shatter.
    “Clean up your mess.” The imperial officer replies in disdain, and moves on.

    Q: Do the imperials close in on the rebel?
    A: Yes!

    A man points at the rebel, and the imperials see her and start closing at her as she frantically looks around for an opening. Only a few meters stand between them.

    Tos’ar will use the Force to convince the imperials that this is not the rebel they’re after. This is a High risk situation matched against his High risk factor Belief.

    Result: Fail+Endanger

    The imperial officer is about to grab the rebel, when he feels the grip of Tos’ars hand on his shoulder.
    “This is not the rebel you’re looking for.” The old man says with a deep voice, followed by a hand gesture. His connection to the force is not what it used to be. Dulled by years of heavy drinking. As such he fails to influence the officer.
    “Unhand me you old idiot!” the officer yells and Tos’ar sees the rear end of a stormtrooper rifle find his face.

    That’s not the way I wanted this to go, but it seems I’m all out of options. Today Tos’ar has decided to get back at the empire. There’s no turning back now. He lights his saber.

    Result: Succeed

    The stormtrooper’s hand drops as the buzzing sound of a lightsaber activating and swishing through both him and the officer results in a painful scream.
    The imperial officer gasps in shock as the lets off his final breaths.
    The other stormtrooper escort aims at Tos’ar only to be struck by a blaster shot. The rebel has taken out her pistol which is still smoking.
    Tos’ar and Rema make way through the chaos of the panicking crowd to the rear of the cantina and out in the alleyways of Vroobsu.

    With the end of the first scene, it is obvious to me now that the objective of the adventure will be for Tos’ar to help Rema escape Vroobsu.

    Q: Does Rema know about Jedi?
    A: No

    Let’s use UNE to set up a short convo.
    NPC Mood Friendly: 07: Guarded
    NPC Bearing Friendly: 90: Aid
    NPC Focus: 24: Relics
    The Friendly NPC speaks of aid regarding the PCs relics

    Note: I forgot to take into account the Tension of the GMA engine, so I’ll count it now and resolved it to be: 5.

    They’ve run a few blocks away, and are hiding in an alleyway to catch their breath.
    “Thank you stranger. Your laser sword was very helpful in our escape.” Rema said.
    Tos’ar nods. “We need to get out of this system. What did you do to warrant an entry on the imperial most wanted list?”
    She stops him. “Hold it there mister. I don’t even know your name. If you think I’m going to start spilling my guts you’re grossly mistaken. Even if you, did, save my butt over there.”
    “I guess I can start with that. My name is Tos’ar Bulmana. I had hoped that our exit would be less theatrical. For certain, thus will attract more heat than you had. My apologies.” The Jedi replies, and continues. “I have a few favours I can pull so that we can get out, and a friend where we can seek shelter in the meantime. Unless you have a better idea?”

    Q: Does she have another plan?
    A: Yes!
    Random Event: Pacify Stockpile
    Q: Does the stockpile belong to the Empire?
    A: Yes
    Tension: 2

    Okay I think this will tie in well with her “other plan”, here’s what I’ll go with.

    “I’m Rema, but I guess you know that already.” She answers. “I’d take you up on your offer but I still have a task to see through.”
    “The imperials blasted you out of the sky. It’s all over the holonews. You and what army will take up on a task?” Tos’ar countered.
    She grabs him by the robe. “My friends! Died out there. And I’ll be dead before I see their efforts go to waste. The Empire will crash and burn!”
    He bows his head. “My friends all died at the hands of the empire a long time ago. I had forgotten the pain. Even became angry. Anger leads to the dark side. I lost my path.”
    “Of course I’m angry! And Scared! But if it’s one thing I’ve learned from my comrades, is that we have to be Brave.” She lowers the tone of her voice as someone passes by in the distance. “What army you said? I am the army. Wanna take a dent in the empire? Use your laser sword to do some good? You’ll join me.”
    Tos’ar draws a faint smile. “Now I see why the empire is after you. You can tell me about your mission, but let’s not do it here.”
    She nods.

    Tos’ar will try to find his friend so that they can lay low and recover for next step.

    Risk is medium as they’ve already escaped the hunt, and it’s matched by the Medium factor of Relationship.

    Result: Succeed
    Tension: 3

    Let’s find out who the Friend is.
    I’ll use the Oracle.
    Elison Farwind the Wise

    I’ll use UNE for descriptors:
    Conformist worker

    Evading the imperial patrols, they reach a droid shop in the old part of town. Tos’ar and Rema enter. A man with a thick moustache is working with his tools on a droid head. Sparks fly everywhere.

    NPC Mood Friendly: 50: Sociable
    NPC Bearing Friendly: 81: Aid
    NPC Focus: 26: Last Action
    The Friendly NPC speaks of aid regarding the PCs last action

    The man lifts his head from his work. “You’re all over the news Bulmana. Crap. What’s gotten to you, getting in league with these rebels?.” He says as he sees Tos’ar.
    “Something I should have done a long time ago.” Tos’ar responds. “Rema this is Elison, an old friend of mine. Elison, this is Rema.” He introduces the two.
    “I know her. She sports a sizeable part of the news next you. Though rebel Jedi, wins the day. Not a fan of your cause.” Elison says. “But Tos’ar is a friend. One of select few over the years. You need my help? A place to sleep? I’m there. Just as you have been for me.”

    Now this is a point where I can pause to attempt to secure back the endangered Belief factor, but I’ll have to use my Possession factor to do it and I don’t know if I can afford to lose and reduce this at endangered as well. I will keep things as is.

    >Tos’ar and Rema are sitting in a storage room in the back of Elison’s house where he’s placed a couple of mattresses and sleeping bags for them to spend the night.
    “What’s your story old man?” Rema asks. “What’s the deal with the laser sword?”.
    Tos’ar sighs. “The lightsaber is the weapon of the Jedi. An order of guardians during the old republic. They were all hunted down by the imperial regime.”
    “So… are you a Jedi or did you take it off one’s dead body?…” she asks.
    “That’s a good question as any.” He replies. “The Jedi are no more. Can I be a Jedi if there are no more Jedi?” Tos’ar asks. “I don’t think it matters any more. I fled and went underground since the Clone Wars. That was the last order that we were given. But I don’t think the galaxy can take this anymore. Nor can I. So tell me, what was your mission?”
    Rema pauses for a short moment trying to process all this new information. Then she begins. “I’m part of the Rebel Alliance, our mission was here on Vroobsu. Vroobsu on the surface seems to be a fringe mining planet just like any other. Lawlessness, poor people trying to get by away from the prying eyes of the empire. Nothing of real interest.”
    “So? Why here? Hadn’t seen any Imperials until you guys arrived.” Tos’ar asks.
    “That is on the surface. The ore that is mined here is Vandium. A typical ore used in repulsor engines construction. However the Vandium here is rich in its explosive isotopes. The local crime lord Malbe the Unlucky diverts these into a stockpile which he gives to the empire and in exchange for allowing him to operate freely in the region.”
    “And your fleet came to destroy this stockpile?” Tos’ar asks.
    “That was the diversion, and our attempt to verify the imperial entanglement. Hope they fled before suffering any significant casualties.” Rema sighs. “I’m the mission. I have to place this Rubidium Subwave Transmitter in the mines. It will initiate a chain reaction on the ore vein that will stabilise the ore in the non-explosive isotopes, rendering the whole thing useless to the empire. It might also turn them against Malbe if we’re lucky.”
    “But you’ve been exposed.” Tos’ar replies.
    She considers for a moment before replying. “Yes. I don’t know the extent of the leak. Either they captured an officer in the battle and made him speak, or we have a traitor. The mission must go through. If we assume the worst, they know of my objectives and will be guarding the mines. If we’re lucky then all they have is my name and face.”

    So they will rest and attempt to enter the mines in a few days.

    Q: Does anything happen in the meantime?
    A: No
    Tension: 4

    They will attempt to enter the mines undetected. I’ll use Tos’ar’s Resource factor to call in a favour to get them the necessary credentials to pass as miners.

    Let’s set up the scene.

    A long line of workers and droids wait for their turn to enter their shift in the mines as Tos’ar and Rema join the queue.

    They attempt to get past the security check. They use the Medium Resource factor.
    Difficulty is unknown and will be drawn together with the resolution card.

    Result: Medium Risk. Success
    Tension: 5

    A security droid scans their badges, and it all seems to be okay.

    Q: Do they manage to get their gear in? (likely)
    A: Yes
    Tension: 6

    Security only checks outbound gear for any possibility of theft. No one cares what you bring in. Rema’s lunchbox hides the pacifier device and a holdout blaster pistol, while Tos’ar has his lightsaber in his pockets. They each get a mining laser from the rack and walk deeper in the mines.

    They will attempt to reach the main ore vein without drawing any unnecessary attention. This is a low risk and matched by the low factor of Reputation.

    Result: Success
    Random Event: Move Time
    Tension: 1

    >As they walk through the mine shafts no one seems to pay any attention to them. Rema has the confidence of a dedicated soldier, while Tos’ar carries with him the serenity of an old Jedi. They reach the main mining chamber. As they’re about to find a side tunnel where they can lay their device undetected, Tos’ar notices a bunch of goons appear on a top shaft entry.
    They ask a miner something and he points to a big pile of ore situated on a repulsor cargo lifter in the middle of the chamber.
    Tos’ar notifies Rema.
    “They must have sped up their collection schedule.” She says. “If we manage to initiate the reaction now before they grab the shipment, that will cause them even greater trouble and perhaps delay the supply of the imperials who expected a shipment today. We can’t pass up the opportunity!” She whispers.
    “But we’ll be detected. All of this is in plain sight.” Tos’ar counters.
    “It’s all or nothing.” She says firmly. “Let’s do it.”

    So placing the device is a High risk. I’ll try to match it by using the Force (Belief, Endangered) to create a distraction.

    Result: Fail+Endanger
    Tension: 2

    Tos’ar walks to the side and starts trying to telekinetically move the supports on the other side of the chamber to collapse it and cause a distraction.
    He starts to focus and there is a rumble there. However he struggles and loses his concentration. The effort takes its toll and he drops to the ground holding his breath. All this seems to have drawn attention to them instead. The goons are pointing at them and shouting curses.
    “Shit.” Rema says as she pulls out her blaster. “Are you okay?”.
    Tos’ar nods, shrugs and rises. “I’ll hold them off. You place the device.” He lights his saber which buzzes and the fight begins.

    This combat is a high risk situation. Tos’ar will use his lightsaber to deflect the blaster bolts back to the shooters.

    Result: Fail+Endanger
    Tension: 3

    Blaster bolts start flying. Tos’ar deflects the first, but as he hasn’t used the force for a long time, nor practiced his fencing skills, the next blaster bolt hits him, wounding him at the leg. He cries in pain.

    Q: Does Rema manage to place the Transmitter?
    A: Yes+Event
    Tension: 1

    Random Event: Halt Defense

    Rema has placed the Rubinium Subwave Transmitter and activated it.
    “We gotta run!” She shouts to Tos’ar.
    Seeing this and with Tos’ar wounded, the two goons charge recklessly at the duo.

    I recon that with this reckless melee charge, Tos’ar has a chance. It’s going to be a Medium Risk, and he’ll use his High Possession factor.

    Result: Success
    Tension: 2

    The big guy comes at Tos’ar with a stun baton. Tos’ar evades him and cuts him down with his saber, cutting the baton in half as well.

    Q: Does Rema shoot the other goon?
    A: No!
    Tension: 3

    Believing Tos’ar to be right behind her, Rema has made a sprint to the exit. Tos’ar is on his own.

    Tos’ar will try to outrun the explosion and the other goon using his Low factor of Physique. This is a medium risk situation.

    Result: Success+Endanger
    Tension: 4

    Tos’ar sprints back but not before getting a stun baton whack his shoulder as he turned his back to the other goon.
    The transmitter goes off and a quick flash sends sparks among the ore vein, stunning miners and goons alike and disabling any unfortunate droids to be nearby.
    As he catches up to Rema she eyes him. “Glad you made it.” She says.
    “You could have waited for me.” He replies short of breath.
    “The mission comes first.” She snaps. “Let’s get out.”

    Q: Is the exit blocked?
    A: Yes!
    Tension: 5

    As they reach their entry point they see that the place is on lockdown. Armed guards are at the checkpoint and stop anyone from entering or exiting.
    “What should we do?” She whispers. “Guns out blazing or try to sneak out when they open the gates?”.
    Tos’ar grabs his wounds. “I have another idea. Let’s make our own exit.”
    Using his lightsaber he starts cutting a doorway to exit the building.

    I declare that this is a medium risk, using a high factor.

    Result: Succeed+Endanger
    Random Event: Pardon Time
    Tension: 1

    Tos’ar cuts through and Rema exits. As he follows a security guard notices them and shoots. The blast ray finds Tos’ar on his hand, causing him to drop his lightsaber, a few meters inside the mines. He tries to make for it, but the subsequent shots from the guards hold him off. Rema pulls his forward. “Come! There’s no time!”.
    They run through the newfound exit, and they find a hidden quick passage away from the site. This should save them a lot of time, ending the chase.

    Time to do a quick recap of the status of the factors:

    H Belief: The Force permeates all (Lost)
    L Physique: Old and frail (Endangered)
    H Possession: Lightsaber (Lost)
    M Relationship: A trusted friend
    L Reputation: A nobody
    M Resource: An old favour

    The main objective mission is done. Now they need to escape Vroobsu.

    First they’ll go back to Elison’s for Tos’ar to heal.
    They’ll use the Relationship factor to Secure the Physique factor.

    Result: Success
    Tension: 2

    Let’s look up at UNE.

    NPC Mood Friendly: 59: Sociable
    NPC Bearing Friendly: 19: Comfort
    NPC Focus: 68: Knowledge
    The Friendly NPC speaks of comfort regarding the PCs knowledge

    Elison sees Rema brace Tos’ar inside and he quickly makes way for them.
    “I’ll bring in the first aid kit. What happened?” He asks looking at the door with a worrisome look.
    “Got in a fight with goons. We weren’t followed. Don’t worry.” Rema answers. “Patch him up and we’ll be out of your burden in no time.”
    “Aye, I’ll help you.” He says.

    Once Tos’ar is back on his feet they’ll go in the alleys searching for a ship out of Vroobsu.

    Tos’ar will use his Resource factor. I consider this to be a Medium to High risk situation as Imperials and Malbe alike are looking for them.

    Result: Medium risk. Success
    Tension: 3

    I’ll use the sensual descriptors to see what the location of the scene will be like.

    Sound: The beat of swords on shields
    Sight: A splash of red
    Feeling: Slamming into you
    Smell: Frying sausage

    Hmm this all screams to me like an underground arena where scoundrels place bets and street food abounds.

    I’ll also get some info about the NPC regarding the favour and convo.

    Let’s look up at UNE.

    NPC: meek charmer

    NPC Mood Neutral: 73: Sociable
    NPC Bearing: 4: Hostile: 09: Death
    NPC Focus: 06: last story
    The Neutral NPC speaks of death regarding the PCs last story

    Let’s generate a name using GMA: Chaka Kuske, the Worm. Status Judge. Motivation defend a place, also pay a debt. Stocky appearance with shaven head. Manipulative, Honest, Modest. Enunciates over clearly.
    Has a mindspeech amulet.

    When night falls, Tos’ar and Rema head to the lawless parts of Vroobsu I.
    The old drunkard guides the rebel through alleyways and past cantinas and bars, giving the odd look at bystanders. No one troubles them. Finally they reach the Star Gorgon. The Gamorean bouncer steps aside as Tos’ar whispers something to him about wanting to see the Worm.
    Inside is a big amphitheater with an arena in the centre. Gladiators fight each other with melee weapons. Vibroaxes smash at handheld shock shields and the crowd yells at the thrill of blood. The red lighting only serves to enrage the crowd even more as they place bets. Street vendors sell fried sausages of the local delicacies to the patrons. Rema is disgusted, but Tos’ar seems to be right at home. They make their way through the crowd, and have to push through several times as the patrons try to get a closer look of the fight in the arena.
    Tos’ar leads Rema to a platform overseeing the arena. They get past another bouncer, until they reach the man they came here for.
    A stocky fella with a clean shaven head, tattoos on the side. He extends an arm to Tos’ar and they shake hands.
    “Chaka.” Tos’ar says. “I see the arena business goes well.”
    “Tos’ar. I was wondering when your drunk feet would drag you here. Your face is flashing all over the news. Malbe also has a bounty on your head. Hers also. Death is on the table. You really surprised me this time.” Chaka smiles and points to the rebel.
    “I’m here to relieve you of you debt. Chaka.” Tos’ar says without any excitement or color on his voice.
    “A debt I’ve carried for a long time. Tell me what is your need.” Chaka answers.
    “Passage out of Vroobsu. Preferably several parsecs away, in a fringe world.” Tos’ar replies.
    Chaka nods and signals for one of his men to come closer, they discuss for a while, offering some drinks and finger food.
    Then he gives a data pad to Tos’ar.
    “Here is your pilot, his ship, and rendezvous point.” Chaka says. “One way trip out of Vroobsu. Debt is paid. We don’t talk again. It’s been a pleasure.” They shake hands, and the fugitives are sent on their way.

    Let’s get some input to fill out the info from the data pad.

    NPC: Theron from House Seriso
    Appearance: Paunched, with Piercings.
    Personality: Spacey, Wary, Apathetic, has poor hygiene
    Belongings: Access pass to secure border.

    The ship is the Pride of Mercy.

    Q: Is the ship parked in the main star port?
    A: Yes
    Tension: 4

    Q: Are there patrols in the star port?
    A: No!
    Tension: 5

    NPC Mood Neutral: 47: Neutral
    NPC Bearing Mysterious: 05: Rumour
    NPC Focus: 81: the character
    The Neutral NPC speaks of rumours regarding the PCs character

    >”Terminal 5, Platform 27.” Tos’ar reads, and looking around he sees a Conbarda Light Patrol Boat. “The Pride of Mercy” is listed at the manifest. What an odd name for a ship, he thinks.
    This ship must have been used for small time piracy in the fringe and perhaps escort and protection services, after its initial life in the local navy ended. They sport a small crew supplement, good sublight speed, decent weaponry, but poor hyperspace performance and small cargo space.
    Rema and Tos’ar met no resistance on their way to the platform, as they used some side alleys and backstreets that are not largely known.
    As they approach the vessel a figure stops them.

    Q: Is it the captain of the ship?
    A: Yes, Random Event
    Random Event: Bestow Death
    Tension: 1

    It seems that the imperials are onto them. Stormtroopers have them on their sights and the shooting begins in the starport.

    Q: Is there adequate cover to reach the starship?
    A: No
    Tension: 2

    With no cover, this is a High risk situation. Tos’ar will try to to sprint to the starship, risking his Life in the process.

    Result: Fail+Endanger

    Q: Does Rema manage to reach the starship?
    A: No
    Tension: 3

    As Theron waves for them to approach, blaster shots start flying from the other side of the platform.
    A quick glance, and they see the white distinct armour of Imperial Stormtroopers shooting at them.
    Without giving it a second thought, Tos’ar starts sprinting to the Price of Mercy, until a carefully aimed shot, brings him down in the middle of it. A burn mark on his ribs, shows that the wound is significant.
    He grunts in pain and sees that Rema is still at the entry of the platform, pinned down behind some crates.

    Using his Low factor of Physique, Tos’ar will try to taunt, dodge and provide enough distraction for Rema to reach the ship.

    Result: Success+Endanger

    Tos’ar stands and yells at Rema, “Run!”.
    He then opens his robes wide so that he creates as much a visual distraction to the troopers as possible and starts jumping around as much as his physique allows.
    It seems to be working as Rema manages to dodge and sprint past him, and into the bulk door of the Price of Mercy, just as he’s hit by another shot, on his left arm.

    With Rema safe for the moment, Tos’ar will make another attempt to reach the ship. It’s still a High risk situation, and he’ll use his endangered Physique factor.

    Result: Succeed+Endanger

    Tos’ar sees Rema inside, and with the last shot he receives, he feigns being incapacitated, and drops to the ground.
    However he hasn’t bent his knee, and on a ready stance covered by his robes, he jumps up and gives another sprint. He’s shot again, and hurt on his leg, but he made it!
    Theron runs to the bridge and the ship starts taking off.

    “Welcome to the Price of Mercy. I am Theron of House Seriso. Your trip is courtesy of Chaka Kuske, the Worm. Your pursuers are courtesy of your actions, Jedi, Tos’ar Bulmana. Your fame proceeds you. I had hoped for a better welcome, but it’s not to be unexpected.” The captain, a dirty man wearing a lot of piercings, welcomes them.
    “Can we please leave the pleasantries for when we’re in hyperspace?” Tos’ar grunts in pain from his wounds.
    “Absolutely, we’re setting course for the system edge now.” Theron replies.

    Q: Are there imperial ships nearby?
    A: No
    Tension: 4

    “Despite the ground security, sensors show no imperial presence in space. Perhaps they’re busy hunting rebels elsewhere in the system.” The captain says. “Setting course for Pollaxe now. We’ll enter hyperspace in about 5 minutes. I suggest you get to the medbay in the meantime, we can talk later.”
    Tos’ar agrees, and limping and grunting heads to the medbay. A few minutes later he’s being tended to by the medical droid, as the ship enters hyperspace. He feels safe at last. At least for now.

    I absolutely loved this. NTMTO is great at what it does! One shot games. The more you attempt things, the more your factors are endangered and then lost. It’s like having a finite resource and wondering if you’ll make it to the end. My protagonist barely made it out alive, and that’s great, because I was worried, and it’s this thrill that brings excitement to playing. With a 50-50 chance at all times, the story can easily go either way.
    Using the online GMA oracle was great. So much information easily accessible. I never needed anything more than this. Even UNE wasn’t really necessary, I just wanted some extra fluff for my conversations.
    The ruleset and the oracle tied in nicely together and it’s a combo I might try again. I can also reset all the factors and do another story with Tos’ar, but that’s not necessary, since doing one shots gives you absolute freedom to try new things.
    Overall loved it and will certainly do a similar solo session again.

  • giorgis 12:58 am on June 23, 2020 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: EABA, , Recluse, , StarWars   

    The tale of Dash Kile, a Rebel agitator 

    Back to Star Wars for this session. I’m starting a new character, Dash Kile. I won’t spend much time detailing him, instead. I might commit more in the future. Maybe could even do flashbacks.

    Oracle/Emulator: I’ll be using a Recluse+MUNE hack I really liked. It’s Recluse, but on double 1s and double 6s you get a MUNE intervention with 1s being a No to the Question and 6s being a Yes.

    Game System: I’ll be using Star Wars D6 with adapted dice rules from EABA. Essentially you ‘take the best of three’. So If I have 5D+1 in a skill, I will roll 5D (with wild die as normal), and then only take the sum of the best three dice, and add the pip. I’ll have the option to drop one die and take a +2, since 3D+2 on average is better than 4D taking the best three. Difficulties will be adapted accordingly, as well as damage rolls.

    Dash is a young, hot headed rebel agitator, a street urchin, with utmost hatred for the Galactic Empire.
    He has heard of the Rebel Alliance, but is not affiliated with them, not yet at least. Still trying to get his footing in the whole resistance thing.
    Objective: Overthrow the Galactic Empire
    Quote: You gotta fight for your right!

    Dash is hanging out in the local cantina, The Trout, a haven of scum and villainy in Chrella VIII, the 8th moon of the 25 orbiting the Gas Giant Chrella, and the only habitable.

    Q: Is everything as expected?
    A: No and, TWENE: Increase Simple element

    A simple element in a cantina is people.

    It’s more crowded than usual.

    Dash will try to learn of any rumors regarding local imperial activity.
    Dash: Streetwise (Moderate): 6: Failure

    Dash asks around, some connections, but doesn’t manage to glean anything. Some push him away as annoying.

    So, now I decide to take an important decision. Failure shouldn’t be Flat. It should be interesting. So I decide that it means that Dash’s asking around has raised suspicions.

    Q: Do Imperials arrive in the cantina?
    A: Yes, Intervention: New Entity
    Q: Is the entity Imperial?
    A: Yes
    Dash: Perception (Moderate): 11: Success
    Q: How many Imperials?: 1D (Wild): 3

    As Dash finishes his talk with a regular, he notices a Trandoshan talking to a uniformed officer, pointing in his general direction.

    Officer: Search (Moderate): 4: Failure

    The crowd in the cantina makes the Imperial search difficult. Dash, swiftly makes it for the rear exit.

    Q: Is there a rear exit? (Likely)
    A: Yes
    Q: Is it accessible?
    A: No, Intervention: Advance Plot: Someone helps dash.

    Dash enters the kitchen. Stress evident in his face, trying to find desperately a way out.
    The cook, a fat man in his 50s, with a thick mustache, looks at him. He steps on his toes to look outside the kitchen pass and sees the officers. He opens up a huge crate of Crix, local, slimy, smelly amphibians the size of a small cat. The indigenous aliens found them a delicacy, but the human settlers can barely stand them. Still, the poor need to eat.
    “Get inside” He directs Dash.

    Dash: Perception (Moderate): 11: Success
    Q: Does the cook seem trustworthy (Likely)
    A: Yes, and Dash has a feeling he won’t be betrayed

    Dash eyes the cook well, considers his options and jumps in the crate, holding his nostrils. Hundreds of the little critters crawl over him as the cook closes the crate cover and places another crate on top.

    Q: Do the Imperials search the kitchen? (Likely)
    A: No
    Q: Does the cook betray Dash (Unlikely)
    A: False Presupposition. Since the Imperials never enter the kitchen, and they leave shortly after it doesn’t even occur to the cook to betray Dash. They must have been called elsewhere.

    A short while later, Dash sees the crate cover open, and the cook waiting for him, an arm extended.
    “Come, get out.” He tells him.
    Dash, reeking of Crix, brushes off a couple critters still attached to him.
    “Thanks!” He says relieved.
    “Don’t mention it.” The cook replies. “It’s safe to leave now kid.”
    Dash pauses for a moment.
    “I gotta repay you somehow. Do you wanna hurt them? For what they did to the locals? to the settlers? to our planet?” He asks.

    UNE: Comfort (bearing), History (Focus)

    The cook shakes his head. “It’s a sad history, that of our planet, but I don’t want any more trouble. I just want the comfort of peace.”
    “Which you won’t find as long as our streets crawl with Imperial scum!” Dash replies.

    Dash: Persuasion (Moderate): 17: Success!

    The cook nods. “What do you have in mind?”
    Dash smiles. “Can you spare a bag of these slimy smelly critters?” He asks.
    “I bet it would teach them a lesson if we filled a couple of their speeders with them. Would send a message, and would take them more than a day or two to clean it up!” Dash eagerly adds.

    Q: Does the cook agree to the plan?
    A: Yes

    “Alright kid. I’ll give you a bag. It’s a gift from me, to them. Just make sure it doesn’t trail back to me.” The cook says and starts filling up a bag.

    At night, Dash, goes to the nearest posting of Imperial troops, a bag of Crix on his back.

    Dash: Perception (Moderate): 13

    Q: Are there any speeders? (L)
    A: Yes
    Q: How many? (1D3): 3
    Q: How many guards?: 1D (Wild): 4

    Dash tries to sneak to a side alley, to set off a firecracker for a distraction.

    Dash: Sneak (Opposed): 17/4: Success
    Dash: Demolitions (Easy): 9: Success

    Q: Do the Imperials rush off to the noise?
    A: Yes

    The Imperials seem a bit sleepy, and don’t notice Dash jumping around in the shadows. He goes behind some trash cans, and sets off his firecrackers in 5 minutes, and rushes back in position.
    As soon as the bangs are heard, the Imperials are startled. They pinpoint the source of the noise and run off, leaving the speeders unguarded.

    Dash: Security (Difficult): 11: Success
    Q: Does Dash make it in time before the Imperials return?
    A: Yes, but barely and they have a trail to start searching.

    Dash spreads the slimy Crix around in the speeders, He puts them in the driver and codriver seats, under the engine, in the glove box, everywhere. He already reeks of them, so the smell doesn’t bother him.
    He has just finished dirtying up the third speeder, when he hears the distinctive boot steps of the Imperial troops. He knows his time’s up and runs off.

    Imperial Officer: Command 4 people (Moderate): 11: Success: +2D
    Imperials: Search (Opposed): 19/7: Success
    The Imperials find Dash.
    Q: Is he cornered?
    A: No, and there two escape routes.

    Soon Dash realizes the Imperials are on his tail. He tries to lose them, turning around in some narrow alleyways, and squeezing under a few fences, but no matter what he does, he can’t shake them. He doesn’t know if it’s the smell, or they have managed to triangulate on him and come from two sides, but soon, he has to turn and face them.
    One thing he knows for certain, is that no matter what, he mustn’t get caught.
    He draws his blaster pistol, and hopes it works. He hasn’t shot it before actually.

    I’ll ask a few questions first:
    Q: Is there cover?
    A: Yes, but it’s only light cover
    Q: Are there buildings? (UL)
    A: False presupposition. There are trees. They have reached a huge park.
    Q: Are the escape routes close by?
    A: Yes, but there’s no cover to reach them. Dash will have to be in the open.

    Exhausted from the chase, Dash, takes cover behind a tree. They have entered Flass Park. Looking around, he notices a large ditch for monsoon rainstorm torrents. This could be his chance to escape. If he manages to get into the sewers, he’ll surely lose the Imperials in the labyrinth. But he has to risk his life to do, and they’re closing in on him from both sides.

    Dash: Perception: 13
    Imperials: Perception: 8

    Round 1:
    Dash acts first: Shoots Imperial Officer: Distance 40m (Long): 18: Hit Leg: 14/8: 7+: Incapacitated
    Imp1 shoots Dash: 8: Miss
    Imp2 shoots Dash: 10: Miss
    Imp3 shoots Dash: 12: Hits Cover: 12/13: Tree absorbs all damage

    Round 2:
    Dash shoots Imp2: 7: Miss
    Imp1 shoots Dash: 18: Hit Torso: 4/4: No damage
    Imp2 shoots Dash: 16: Hit Leg: 11/10: 1+: Stunned
    Imp3 closes in on Dash 20m

    Round 3:
    Dash shoots Imp3: 10/7: Hit Head: 16/5: Killed
    Imp1 Willpower (Moderate): 12: Stays
    Imp1 shoots Dash: 15: Hit Head: 14/(Dash will spend 3 CPs): 13: Stunned Twice
    Imp2 Willpower (Moderate): 9: Success
    Imp2 shoots Dash: 12: Hits Cover: 13/13: Tree absorbs all damage

    Round 4:
    Dash runs full speed to the ditch. Spends 2 CP to run.
    Dash Running: 15: Success
    Imp1 shoots Dash: 19: Hit Head: 18/(Dash will spend 5 CPs): 15: 3+: Wounded
    Imp2 shoots Dash: 16: Hit Torso: 13/4: 9+: Dead

    As the Imperials close in, Dash makes out the officer giving order, and blasts him straight on the leg, dropping him. With Dash shooting with lethal force, the Imperials don’t consider twice. They start shooting back. Two of them miss, but the third hits the tree Dash is hiding behind, burning a hole in its trunk.
    Dash finds the opportunity to shoot again, but he misses. A blast grazes him, shaking his resolve.
    An Imperial trooper tries to close in, and Dash shoots him right on the head, the blast finding his target’s face, killing him instantly. The Imperials stand and fight, giving Dash a hard time, a shot grazing his head, while another hitting the tree, and Dash feels grateful for the tree, that has saved his life.
    Seeing as he is trapped and starting to get wounded, Dash makes a run for the ditch, but caught out in the open, the Imperials shoot him in the back. One blaster shot finds his head, and another right on the back, and he falls down, dead. The dream of a revolt, dying with him.

    Session Summary

    The flow was so easy. The game was just progressing fast. As I explained in a post recently, I think I found the reason I was having a hard time driving the adventure, and now I think I found my solution. I put myself into Dash’s shoes and tried to think of ways to meet his objective, and then act on it. Yes he failed, but the adventure was driven by his passion.
    I’m a bit sad that Dash perished, I was looking forward to adventuring with him, but the dice have spoken.
    I enjoyed the EABA/D6 hack as well as the Recluse/MUNE. I’m still not quite certain about the balance in the EABA/D6 hack, maybe I’ll have to reconsider some options, but overall it was fast, and easy to remember.

  • giorgis 9:03 pm on February 19, 2020 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , StarWars,   

    A dogfighting experiment 

    Star Wars D6 Dogfighting with Hexflowers Take One


    Whenever I run solo space combat in theater of the mind or map grid I found myself and the system lacking.
    I could not beat myself doing anything more than rush to enemy while the enemy rushed to me, and perform bootlegger turns when we passed each other…hardly satisfying.
    I need something else, to provide functionality, food for narrative, and a level of realism, and most of all enjoyable.


    The purpose of this experiment is to run dogfights in theater of the mind emulating a 3D environment.


    Using the It came from above hex flower engine as a basis upon which to set a dogfighting framework.


    I’m using a success count system instead of standard D6 addition of dice vs target number.

    Dice Definitions

    Wild Die

    The Wild Die succeeds on a 3+, explodes on a 6, and generates a mishap on a roll of 1.
    All rolls except defense rolls, have a Wild Die, which replaces a Full Die. It is denoted as W.

    Full Die

    The Full Die is the most common die roll. It succeeds on 3+. It is denoted as F.

    Note: Wild Dice and Full Dice together are denoted as D.

    Half Die

    The Half Die has half the success chance of a Full Die. It succeeds on 5+. It is denoted as +2 or H.

    Quarter Die

    The Quarter Die has a quarter chance of success of a Full Die. It succeeds on 6 only. It is denoted as +1 or Q.


    A character with 2D+2, rolls one Wild Die, one Full Die and one Half Die


    1. Initialization phase. Roll Initiative. This has importance only in terms of ‘who shoots first’. Determine starting distance based on circumstances. In a standard dogfight where both combatants are aware of the imminent battle, a good starting distance is the lowest sensors Scan distance of the two crafts.
    2. Declaration phase. Declare actions. Multiple actions incur penalties according to game system. Each combatant chooses an opponent. Squadrons can be considered a single unit in terms of maneuver, led by the relative command skill of their commander.
    3. Piloting phase. Roll the piloting skill of each combatant, modified by their spacecraft’s maneuverability. Count each Piloting Success. Depending on the space ‘terrain’ (e.g. asteroids) you may need to assign one or more piloting dice to evading obstacles or risk a collision. The successes that remain can be used for evasion or orientation.
    4. Orientation phase. Roll 2d6 without wild die on the HFGE. If you wish you may spend Piloting Successes from step 2 to modify the orientation by one hex face per success spent.
      Attacking craft roll as Top Down attackers. Fleeing craft roll as Bottom Feeders.
    5. Movement phase. Roll the crafts movement dice (use 1ed or 2ed conversion). Deduct the results from the distance if the combatant has a front orientation, or add it if it has a rear orientation. Reduce the moved distance by a factor of two for each additional axis offset.
    6. Support actions phase. Running jammers, communications, shields, or whatever else.
    7. Gunnery phase. If the combatant has weapons facing in the direction of his orientation, then they can shoot if they declared so in the declaration phase. Shooting happens in the order of the initiative.
      Shooting difficulty is distance OR dodge (remaining piloting successes), whichever is greater.

    Note: For the center hex (#19), the combatant is free to choose front or rear orientation.

    Example #1

    A-Wing vs TIE fighter, clear space, standard dogfight.

    1. Initialization phase.
      Starting distance: 40 space units.
      A-Wing: 3D: 4
      TIE: 3D: 0

    Turn 1.

    1. Declaration phase.
      A-Wing: -2D (Piloting, Shields, Gunnery).
      TIE: -1D (Piloting, Gunnery).
    2. Piloting phase.
      A-Wing: 7D: 3.
      TIE: 5D+1: 6.
    3. Orientation phase.
      A-Wing: 9: 6 (Front right flank and above). Spend one Piloting Success to move to 4 (Front right flank and level).
      TIE: 7: 2 (Front and above).
    4. Movement phase.
      A-Wing: 6D: 22. One axis offset (right flank).
      TIE: 5D: 10. One axis offset (above).
      Distance: 40-22/2-10/2 = 24.
    5. Support actions phase.
      A-Wing: Shields: 1D+1: 3 successes, they choose Front, Rear and Right shields.
    6. Gunnery phase.
      A-Wing: 5D+2: 3/6: Miss.
      TIE: 5D: 5/4: Hit: Damage: 5D/3D+2: 1/1: Shields blown (-1D).

    The A-Wing and TIE fighter target each other and approach at full speed. Each performs a large turn to try to get the advantage and they let off a burst of laser shots at each other. The TIE pilot manages to evade the A-Wing approaching from below and hits it from the right flank, blasting its shields.

    Turn 2.

    1. Declaration phase.
      A-Wing: -1D (Piloting, Gunnery).
      TIE: -1D (Piloting, Gunnery).
    2. Piloting phase.
      A-Wing: 8D: 6.
      TIE: 5D+1: 4.
    3. Orientation phase.
      A-Wing: 3: 19 (Front).
      TIE: 7: 12 (Rear and below). Spend 2 Piloting Successes to move to 3 (Front and below).
    4. Movement phase.
      A-Wing: 6D: 21. No axis offset.
      TIE: 5D: 22. One axis offset (below).
      Distance: 24-21-22/2 = -14. (14).
    5. Support actions phase.
    6. Gunnery phase.
      A-Wing: 6D+2: 4/4: Hit: Damage:
      5D/2D: 5/1: Destroyed.

    Now the A-Wing pilot no longer is distracted by trying to activate the shields and focuses on the dogfight. He spirals the star fighter and gets on the TIE fighter’s tail, who has to perform a complete loop and rotation to get the A-wing back on his sights. Before he has a chance to open fire, a salvo from the A-Wing obliterates the TIE fighter.

    Summary and Lessons learned:
    The A-Wing with superior pilots and technology won the dogfight, but easily, they could have lost.
    Now I’m not certain about the piloting success economy. I will be watching it closely.
    One thing that needs changing is the shooting arcs. Right now if you have something in Front you can shoot it with Front Weapons even if it’s offset in two axes (e.g Front Right Flank and Below). I intend to change this depending on distance. On long range you can shoot with two axes offset. On medium range you can shoot with one axis offset and on short range you can shoot only on direct (no offset).
    I would love to have narrative distance ranges and not be based on space units. It’s kind of weird how space combat ranges are implemented in RAW. I mean weapon ranges are impacting accuracy directly, as does fire control. Why have two different mechanics for the same thing? I have some thoughts in mind regarding this, regarding keeping only a maximum range per weapon type and have fixed penalties based on distance.
    Another thought that came to mind is when you get a negative distance, which means one opponent passed over the other, maybe there’s a collision chance. Or maybe you could use some piloting successes to reduce the ship speed. Or maybe one could choose any speed rating between 1D and max speed. I’m still thinking about and will playtest some variants.
    Finally I am still missing some narrative. I am thinking of implementing some maneuvers to be bought with piloting successes which will give specific effects.

    Star Wars D6 Dogfighting with Hexflowers Take Two

    Updated Rules:
    1. Shooting arc is limited to axis offset. Long range can be offset by two additional axes, medium can be offset by one axis, and close is direct shots only. Turrets are an exception. They can shoot direct on all their relative axes. Common sense applies.
    2. Distances are now
    Close (1-7)
    Short (8-15)
    Medium (16-30)
    Long (31-45)
    Far (46-60)
    Distant (61-75)
    Extreme (76-100)
    A weapon emplacement can shoot at the maximum distance range it has, but all suffer the same distance penalties. So, a Laser Cannon (max range 25, Medium) that shoots a target at Short range has the same chance to hit as a Missile (max range 15, Short).
    3. Speed is rolled as successes counts. Every additional axis offset reduces the maximum dice by one step (Full to Half to Quarter). Piloting Succeses can be assigned to increase the dice rolled for speed. Approaching combatants reduce the distance by the number of successes, otherwise the distance is increased or decreased according to the differences.
    Distance can’t be less than Close. If distance is greater than Extreme, then combat is over.
    3. Initiative needs to be rerolled every Turn. Mainly for fun factor, and because dogfighting is more abstract than grid combat. You have advantage one turn, you lose it the next.

    Additional Rules:

    1. Squadrons are lead by a squad leader. The leader uses the Command skill. Multiple action penalties apply normally. The Command difficulty is as per the skill. Any successfully commanded squaddies benefit from the combined action bonus dice to their piloting skills.
      The command test is rolled at the start of the piloting phase.
    2. Passive (Non-dogfighting) targets must roll 2d6 so that their targeter can identify their approach (for shield coverage, speed and distance, etc). The targeter can opt to spend their own piloting successes to change their target’s orientation (they pilot their craft in a way to get a specific approach).
      An example would be a squadron of TIE Bombers heading for a Corellian Corvette that are intercepted by A-Wings. If the TIE Bombers opt to continue towards the corvette, then they are considered passive targets for the A-Wings in terms of orientation. Their speed and dodge values on their dogfighting against the corvette is used against the A-Wings normally.
    3. Formations. Squadrons can fly in formations deducting 1D from Piloting and Speed, and rolling as one the speed and orientation.

    Example #2

    I’ll implement all the rules here, it’s going to be a complicated fight.

    2 Y-Wings are heading after a Lambda-class shuttle carrying a Rebel traitor. The shuttle runs on skeleton crew. 2 TIE Fighters are escorting the shuttle. Each squadron has a leader with a command of 4D.

    1. Initialization phase.
      Starting distance: Long.

    Turn 1.
    Rebels: Initiative: 0
    Imperials: Initiative: 0
    Concurrent events.

    1. Declaration phase.
      Y-Wing Leader: -2D (Command, Shields, Piloting), Co-Pilot: – (Gunnery), Top Down Attacker
      Y-Wing Wingman -1D (Shields, Piloting), Co-Pilot: – (Gunnery)
      TIE Leader: -2D (Command, Piloting, Gunnery), Top Down Attacker
      TIE Wingman: -1D (Piloting, Gunnery)
      Lambda Shuttle: -2D (Skeleton, Piloting), Bottom Feeder
    2. Piloting phase.
      Y-Wing Command: 1/2: Failure.
      TIE Command: 1/2: Failure.
      Y-Wing L: 3D+2: 3.
      Y-Wing W: 4D+2: 4.
      TIE L: 4D: 3.
      TIE W: 4D+1: 3.
      Lambda: 3D: 3.
    3. Orientation phase.
      Y-Wings: 11: 4 (Front right flank and level).
      TIEs: 6: 2 (Front & Above).
      Lambda: 10: 13 (Back left flank and level).
      Y-Wing Passive vs TIE: 8: 4 (Front right flank and level).
    4. Movement phase.
      Y-Wings will add 2 to speed.
      Y-Wings: 4D+2: Halved: 1.
      TIEs: 4D: Halved: 2.
      Lambda: 2D+2: Halved: 2.
      Distances of Y-Wings to TIEs: Close.
      Distances of Y-Wings to Lambda: Far.
    5. Support phase.
      Y-Wing L: Shields: 1D: 1: Front shields.
      Y-Wing W: Shields: 2D: 1: Front shields.
    6. Gunnery Phase.
      TIEs are too close to get a clear shot.
      Y-Wing L Turret shoots at TIE: 7D+1: 3/5: Miss.
      Y-Wing W Turret shoots at TIE: 7D+1: 3/5: Miss.

    Turn 2.
    Rebels: Initiative: 3
    Imperials: Initiative: 1

    1. Declaration phase.
      Y-Wing Leader: -1D (Command, Piloting), Co-Pilot: – (Gunnery), Top Down Attacker
      Y-Wing Wingman -1D (Gunnery, Piloting), Co-Pilot: – (Gunnery)
      TIE Leader: -2D (Command, Piloting, Gunnery), Top Down Attacker
      TIE Wingman: -1D (Piloting, Gunnery)
      Lambda Shuttle: -3D (Skeleton, Shields, Piloting), Bottom Feeder
    2. Piloting phase.
      Y-Wing Command: 2/2: Success.
      TIE Command: 1/2: Failure.
      Y-Wing L: 5D+2: 4.
      Y-Wing W: 5D+2: 4.
      TIE L: 4D: 2.
      TIE W: 4D+1: 7.
      Lambda: 3D: 3.
    3. Orientation phase.
      Y-Wings: 11: 9 (Back right flank and below). They spend 3 to move to 1 (Front and level).
      TIEs: 5: 6 (Front right flank and below). They spend 2 to move to 1 (Front and level).
      Lambda: 9: 14 (Back left flank and above).
      Y-Wing Passive vs TIE: 10: 9 (Back right flank and below).
    4. Movement phase.
      Y-Wings spend 1 to increase speed.
      Y-Wings: 4D+2: 4: vs TIE Quartered: 1.
      TIEs: 5D: 3.
      Lambda: 2D+2: Quartered: 0.
      Distances of Y-Wings to TIEs: Close.
      Distances of Y-Wings to Lambda: Close.
    5. Support phase.
      Lambda: Shields: 1D: 1: Rear Shields.
    6. Gunnery Phase.
      Y-Wing L Turret shoots at Lambda: 7D+1: 6/3: Hit: 4D/4D: 3/2: 2 Controls Ionized.
      Y-Wing W Turret shoots at Lambda: 7D+1: 4/3: Hit: 4D/4D: 3/1: 3 Controls Ionized. Ship Disabled.
      Y-Wing W Lasers shoot at Lambda: 5D+1: 2/3: Miss.
      TIE L shoots at Y-Wing L: 4D: 2/1: Hit: 5D/4D: 4/3: Lightly Damaged: Ship Loses 1D speed.
      TIE W shoots at Y-Wing W: 5D: 3/1: Hit: 5D/4D: 4/0: Destroyed

    Turn 3.
    Rebels: Initiative: 1
    Imperials: Initiative: 2

    1. Declaration phase.
      Y-Wing Leader: -1D (Gunnery, Piloting), Co-Pilot: – (Gunnery), Top Down Attacker
      TIE Leader: -2D (Command, Piloting, Gunnery), Top Down Attacker
      TIE Wingman: -1D (Piloting, Gunnery)
    2. Piloting phase.
      TIE Command: 2/2: Success.
      Y-Wing L: 5D+2: 4.
      TIE L: 5D: 2.
      TIE W: 5D+1: 2.
    3. Orientation phase.
      Y-Wing L: 8: 5 (Front right flank and above). They spend 2 to move to 19 (Front and level).
      TIEs: 7: 2 (Front and above).
    4. Movement phase.
      Y-Wing L: 2D+2: 0.
      TIEs: 4D: 3.
      Distances of Y-Wings to TIEs: Close.
    5. Support phase.
    6. Gunnery Phase.
      TIEs are too close and offset and can’t shoot.
      Y-Wing L Turret shoots at TIE L: 7D+1: 4/2: Hit: 4D/2D: 3/2: 2 Controls Ionized.
      Y-Wing L Lasers shoot at TIE W: 5D+1: 3/1: Hit: 5D/2D: 4/1: Severely Damaged: Structural Damage, will disintegrate in 1D rounds.

    Turn 4.
    Rebels: Initiative: 3
    Imperials: Initiative: 3

    1. Declaration phase.
      Y-Wing Leader: -1D (Gunnery, Piloting), Co-Pilot: – (Gunnery), Top Down Attacker
      TIE Leader: Controls Ionized for 4 rounds.
    2. Piloting phase.
      Y-Wing L: 5D+2: 4.
    3. Orientation phase.
      Y-Wing L: 12: 10 (Rear and level). They spend 3 to move to 1 (Front and level).
      TIEs: 8: 18 (Front left flank and below).
    4. Movement phase.
      Y-Wing L: 2D+2: 1.
      TIE: 4D: 2.
      Distances of Y-Wings to TIEs: Close.
    5. Support phase.
    6. Gunnery Phase.
      Y-Wing L Turret shoots at TIE L: 7D+1: 6/1: Hit: 4D/2D: 1/0: 2 Controls Ionized.
      Y-Wing L Lasers shoot at TIE L: 5D+1: 5/1: Hit: 5D/2D: 3/1: Heavily Damaged: -2D Moves.

    Turn 5.
    Rebels: Initiative: 3
    Imperials: Initiative: 2

    1. Declaration phase.
      Y-Wing Leader: -1D (Gunnery, Piloting), Co-Pilot: – (Gunnery), Top Down Attacker
      TIE Leader: Controls Ionized for 7 rounds.
    2. Piloting phase.
      Y-Wing L: 5D+2: 6.
    3. Orientation phase.
      Y-Wing L: 6: 3 (Front and above). They spend 3 to move to 1 (Front and level).
      TIEs: 9: 3 (Front and below).
    4. Movement phase.
      Y-Wing L: 2D+2: 0.
      TIE: 5D: 3.
      Distances of Y-Wings to TIEs: Close.
    5. Support phase.
    6. Gunnery Phase.
      Y-Wing L Turret shoots at TIE L: 7D+1: 7/1: Hit: 4D/2D: 2/0: 3 Controls Ionized: ship is disabled.
      Y-Wing L Lasers shoot at TIE L: 5D+1: 5/1: Hit: 5D/2D: 1/2: No damage

    Summary and Lessons learned: Initially I thought I overdid it. Too complicated. But then it struck me. I run a combat with 5 spacecrafts in 3 groups!
    I mean this would have taken me ages to work out otherwise.
    Okay at certain points it felt too wargamey, and maybe I need to take a look at 1ed starship combat rules. Maybe there’s something that would speed things up.
    Overall I’m quite content with the results for now, and will keep that in mind for my next Star Wars D6 game.

  • giorgis 12:36 pm on September 14, 2019 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , , , , StarWars, , ,   

    A scout mission gone awry 

    Reflections on my first solo play adventure

    When I first heard about solo playing I was very skeptical. I decided to try it out nevertheless and my first two attempts were a disaster.

    In my first try, I tried to play without the use of an Oracle, but by being the GM and emulating the character. Didn’t work out, and my character was slaughtered by a critical hit that severed his knee in the first round of combat in the first scene.

    Second try, I used BOLD to set up a story, and started using an Oracle to set up the scene, but quickly I got lost in questions that made no sense and abandoned it.

    Both of these were set in an agnostic fantasy setting, and herein lies the first two problems I had to solve. I needed to have some meta knowledge of the setting my character lived in, and also knowledge of the game mechanics so that I won’t be losing a lot of time.

    So I chose Star Wars D6. I know the setting. I’ve watched the movies and several of the animated series episodes. It’s also a huge universe, so I could mix canon stuff with things I made on the fly through the Oracle. Secondly I have the physical books in my collection from my TTRPG days. No more going back and forth in pdf files trying to browse to the page I want.

    In retrospect, those two were excellent choices that helped drive my play forward.

    I created a scout character. I chose a scout because he is prone to solo adventuring, and I wouldn’t have to think a lot about an adventure hook. So without a second thought I used a name generator until I got something I liked and off we go.

    Here I made a mistake. I didn’t spend some time to create some proper background for Roy. Yes, he wants to explore and he wants to make a name of himself. That’s very shallow. It caused me a few headaches down the road where I wasn’t sure how Roy would react. So he acted how I would act.

    I tried to fix it later by using BOLD for a backstory, but still I have a gap there. For the future I intend to use some random roll based on Septimus and OpenD6 chargen which has several traits that will have both roleplaying and game mechanics impact. Lesson learned.

    First play session in, and I have a very bad roll in astrogation. Which destroyed Roy’s ship and has him evacuate in a hurry to survive.

    That was great! At the moment I couldn’t see it, but a story module could have been designed that way and it happened in game!

    The cinematic nature of WEG Star Wars D6 payed out. Roy’s adventure turned oh so different because of this starting event.

    Third or fourth session in, I realize that Roy won’t get far all alone. He needs assistance. I managed to bring that to him through the Oracle and UNE and bring out Luca, who would become a secondary PC-NPC later on. Balancing is important.

    Here’s how I started mixing up Oracle rolls and game mechanics. Whenever there is a game mechanic rule about something, it takes precedence. Otherwise I ask The Oracle. Pretty much how the GM would arbitrate. So Roy managed to persuade Luca to help him. Why? I assume that in the end it was Lucas nature rather than the promise of a vague unknown reward.

    A topic that came along many times was the combat maps. Theater of the mind vs grid map. I tried both, but since I don’t have a dedicated board or something similar, I went with theater of the mind. It also resolved faster. When soloing theater of the mind also has no misunderstandings. In the future I want to bring out my legos and try such a visualization.

    Now a long journey begins. With the duo jumping back and forth between systems trying to get the information on those data cores. At some point I got frustrated. I think it’s one of those moments where a GM railroads the players back into the adventure.

    I couldn’t see the big picture of how interesting this was. Thankfully the fellow lone wolves who read on my story pointed it out, and I stuck with it, and a couple sessions later, the data cores are unlocked, and the duo, accompanied by Kuna heads off to the mysterious coordinates.

    Looking back, I see that all this struggle gave the adventure depth. It has a prologue, main theme, and we’re heading to the revelation and epilogue. Another lesson learned. Never abandon the story, there are always hooks.

    Somewhere around here I decided to play around a bit with the game system. No matter how cinematic, for reasons I explained elsewhere, the addition and target numbers slowed down the pace when playing. I switched to a homebrew D6 Legends with pips success resolution mechanic and never looked back. It’s easy, fast has narrative determination if desired and success levels so that I can tell how well the character did.

    Now heading to the end one of the hardest things I had to tackle was metagaming. I haven’t solved the issue yet, but I have identified several cases where it happened, and I intend to write down some rules on how to avoid it.

    In several of my sessions I knew things my character didn’t. I fixed those cases but still, it either stole some of the surprise elements or made me feel like I was cheating, when I disregarded them to go with the story and Oracle flow.

    I also made a couple mistakes and had to trace back and delete a paragraph or two and catch the story again from there. So another rule I follow is that unless it’s written down in the cleaned up form (e.g posted here) if I made a serious mistake I can scratch it and restart from there.

    There were a couple sessions where I noticed my errors afterwards, and the consequences were dire, with the team wounded and losing their starship, but in fairness I stuck with it.

    In one of my sessions, just when I thought the team would be handed over to the Imperials, I had a player moment. I thought of something my character would do based on what he knows, which was a solution to the problem! This was very important to me as it gave me the thrill of playing the game instead of narrating or making rolls to see how well I did.

    20 sessions in, and when the dramatic outcome of saving the Amalsi didn’t occur, I knew I had to wrap things up.

    At first, I took focus away and just wrote a short epilogue on how they went to Aros and lay low.

    It just didn’t feel right. So I split it up and step by step, I played the epilogue, which gave me the closure I wanted, and some extra plot hooks.

    It feels much more fair and complete now.

    Another thing I learned was how to focus in and out. That’s another advantage of the D6 system. The skills can be for a quick action (sneaking past a guard) or a long term series of actions (sneaking through the wilderness). It assisted me when doing the repairs on the Dragonfly and in the epilogue when I wanted to wrap things up. I could have scenes with Luca meeting up the black market contacts and the data forgers, but that could have sidelined to new adventures and I didn’t want that at the time.

    Another challenge is bookkeeping. I am not great at organizing notes. I have printed the base character sheets but I don’t update them regularly. So I use a combination of paper copy and electronic notes.

    The most serious issue here is keeping track of credits and resources. In game I resorted to asking The Oracle if my character had a desired item. Much as a player would ask his GM. I am underway to using something similar to OpenD6 Funds attribute. Will see how it plays out in the future.

    I closed the adventure at a point with several plot hooks. We have Kuna with major cybernetic enhancements and a Sith artifact. Deng, a pirate captain scouring through the system, the fleet footed Kimby running away from Lligon Tuk and the Empire bringing it’s wrath down to the Amal moon. When I catch up I intend to use BOLD waylays to see what happened in the downtime.

    All in all, it was a very fun experience. I will be keeping the D6 Legends homebrew for my next games, unless I want to try something else explicitly.

    I have some new solo styles I want to try out so I am hitting pause on Roy and Luca, to catch up on them again later.

    Brief summary of story

    Our protagonist, Roy was assigned a Scout mission from his corporate employer. He set off with his ship to explore, but a disaster happened in hyperspace and he was stranded in unknown hostile territory.

    There he met with Luca, an old smuggler who agreed to help him in return of a share of the reward on whatever they find. Luca flies the Red Rancor, an Ghtroc light freighter.

    They recover the Nav data cores but they’re locked and encrypted and they set off trying to find a hacker.

    They meet with Kimby, one of Luca’s contacts, but she disappears at the first hint of trouble as she is being hunted down.

    Then they find another hacker, named Kuna, but they can’t afford to pay him, so they do a cargo run to gather the necessary credits.

    When they return, the station where the hacker resides is under pirate blockade, and they have to mediate between the pirates and the station command to get to their objective.

    They succeed, joined by Kuna who cracks the security of the Nav data cores and jump to their destination.

    There they find a frozen moon, and their first contact is with Imperial forces. Despite their small strength, probably due to the fact that this was an Imperial scout force, in the second skirmish with the protagonists, they ambush them, and the Red Rancor is destroyed.

    The team is captured by the locals, the Amalsi who intend to exchange them to the Empire in return for some of their own.

    They manage to escape and reach the frozen cavern of the abandoned ruins of an ancient Amalsi city under the glacier.

    There they learn the story of the moon, how an evil wizard who landed there terraformed the planet in his attempts to mine out some crystals.

    They fight off some beasts and manage to find the wizards starship. They bring it back to operation and fly out of the city.

    The team then assaults the Imperial outpost and obliterates it. The Amalsi join in the attack, but when they meet with our protagonists later, there is an incident with Kuna and the team had to escape with their hides intact.

    Finally they reach back civilized space and Kuna goes his own way, taking one of the wizards artifacts that he found as his share.

    Review of tools and systems

    WEG Star Wars D6:

    The core rulebook and setting I played the adventure. I will definitely be returning to it.

    Pros: Low amount of crunch, Skill and in-game mechanics descriptions for most situations, NPC stats easy to eye-ball, Easy Wounds system with quick resolution.

    Cons: Target numbers hard to choose fairly, Adding up dice pools can slow down solo play, Combat can become stale shootouts, Rules can be missing at places.

    Additional books used: Galaxy Guide to Scouts, Pirates and Privateers, Tales of the Jedi Companion.

    D6 Legends Homebrew

    Homebrew rules to solve some issues I face. I will be keeping it and evolving it as I play more.

    Pros: Can be used with D6 systems without conversions, Fast success result resolution.

    Cons: Can’t be used in 100% of the cases, resulting in regression to the original D6 system


    Light, few page oracle with fast resolution and low bookkeeping.

    Pros: Easy, Fast, Intuitive

    Cons: The ‘buts’ can be difficult to narrate all times, regressing to simple Yes/No


    Universal NPC emulator. Worked great for the cases I turned to it.

    Pros: NPC on the fly, NPC backstory

    Cons: The result may not fit the NPC.


    Book of Legends and deeds. What I loved about it is how easily it helped unleash a story when I was still learning my first baby steps in soloing.

    Pros: Produces great backstories. Can fill in in-between mission gaps.

    Cons: Can be difficult to combine the different story parts.

    GMA from beta Alone release bundle

    Had to print it out to use it, but it was worth the effort. It has great potential and is a quick assist at hand without having to search my online bookmarks for tools.

    Pros: No need for dice, no need for online portents, tailor-made for rpgs, solves multiple issues with one card.

    Cons: I don’t have the entire deck 😀


    This site has a ton of resources from fantasy to cyberpunk to scifi. It’s my go to resource when I want something generated. I only head elsewhere if I don’t find what I need.

    Pros: Generators for almost every need

    Cons: Some generators enhance metagaming (System generators)


    A cross platform note taking app that I use as an intermediary from paper to publishing.

    Pros: Cross platform (web, windows, Linux, iOS, Android), Note sharing, Markdown, publishing, export function.

    Cons: There are no folders so browsing can be a hard.

    Many thanks to the wonderful solo rpg community for all the knowledge sharing and support. It’s what inspired me to get on this endeavor.

  • giorgis 2:40 pm on September 12, 2019 Permalink
    Tags: , , , , , , StarWars,   

    Solo StarWarsD6 pt20: Insult 

    System: Star Wars D6 by West End Games.

    Setting: Star Wars Era of the Rebellion.

    Character: Royxand Handscul ‘Roy’, Corporate scout

    Luca Delste, Smuggler

    Kuna Desyk, Hacker

    Solo Tools: MUNE, donjon, GameMaster’s Apprentice deck of cards from beta Alone release bundle

    Books: Star Wars The Roleplaying Game Second Edition (West End Games), Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts, Tales of the Jedi Companion, Pirates and Privateers.

    Homebrew Rules: D6Legends

    In this session, I’m using a homebrew rules system to streamline the difficulty rolls. I explain everything in detail in my blog here.

    You can view all my previous and the current posts in this subreddit and in my blog Solo, Pen, Paper and Dice.

    So I left off, when I couldn’t make something work with the intervention. The MUNE author wrote that when something like that happens, you can ignore MUNE. So that’s what I did, and moved on. I intend to roll again for an intervention in the next Oracle 6.

    Kuna joins his companions. “What’s the plan, defenders of the innocent?” he asks sarcastically.

    Roy doesn’t take the bait. “Find the imperial outpost based on our intel, bomb it before they have a chance to respond, land, and talk it out with the Amalsi on new terms.” He responds.

    “I also hear Prine station is short handed at miners, and the pirate crew of the Gauntlet of Ulan could use some reinforcements.”

    “I want to see you sell this to the Amalsi.” Kuna says and leaves.

    Q: Do they encounter any other starship?

    A: No

    Luca searches for the Imperial outpost, by scanning for different lifeforms than the main inhabitants (Amalsi) in the region that the captive snowtrooper had told them they were located.

    Luca: Sensors: 4/3: Success

    “Found them! Setting course for the imperial outpost, northern approach.” Luca says over the comms.

    The Dragonfly pierces through the atmosphere, and Luca brings her as low as possible to avoid easy detection from the outpost. There’s a good chance they’re expecting them. He just hopes they don’t have any anti-aircraft batteries.

    Q: Does the Imperial outpost have anti-aircraft batteries?

    A: No, but the have portable surface-to-air missile launchers (Apex Incisor Missiles).

    So I check the stats. The Apex Incisor has a max range of 1 km, but needs one round to lock prior to launch. At full speed that the Dragonfly is right now, they can cover this distance in one round, which will get the outpost within the short range for the 2 Concussion Sphere Launchers. I will roll initiative because if the Imperials survive the first bombing run, they may shoot before the Dragonfly returns.

    The outpost only has a few openings to the moon’s glacier surface.

    As the sound of the Dragonfly bursts through the atmosphere, a handful of snowtroopers emerge and start setting up a missile launch device. The targeting system starts to lock on the ancient starship.

    Roy sees the figures on his targeting magnification visors, but doesn’t care. His aim is right below them. If he makes the shot properly, the blast will take out the entire outpost.

    He’s glad they haven’t set up a garisson to the moon yet. Seems its only the initial scout force, and their transport must have gone to base to return with the brunt of the expeditionary force.

    He casts his thoughts away as he aims. It’s vital to shoot when the Dragonfly is as close as possible.


    Team: 16

    Imperials: 9

    Luca: Space Transports Piloting to fly fullspeed above the glacier and get Roy at short shooting distance above the outpost: 7/4

    Roy: Shoots Concussion sphere: 4/2: Hit: 7/3: Destroyed, Concussion sphere: 3/2: Hit: 6/1: Destroyed.

    Luca maneuvers the Dragonfly in and out of the glacier canyons, and emerges above the outpost at less than 40 meters, when Roy pulls the trigger. Two concussion spheres are launched, pierce through the glacier below the snow rocket troopers and explode with violent force as soon as they enter the outpost.

    Both hit their target right on. Ice, snow and metal is launched everywhere as the Dragonfly flies past. The blast creates an avalance that brings down the snowtrooper force on the top, and the rumble reverberates under the glacier.

    Luca brings the Dragonfly to hover above the site of destruction.

    Q: Do any Imperials survive?

    A: Yes, but they are barely standing, routed and disoriented.

    Q: Do the Amalsi grab the chance to revolt?

    A: Yes, and they immediately rally and overpower their oppressors.

    Intervention: So this is the call for the intervention, and it fits perfectly for what I had rolled before that I couldn’t fit in. Therefore I won’t roll for a new intervention, but use that one.

    From the exposed opening, Luca can clearly see the aftermath of their attack. Some Imperial officers and snowtroopers try to wade through the snow and debris, but scores of Amalsi warriors armed with spears and javelins charge at them with all their fury, and the display is gruesome.

    As the smoke dies down, the fight ends. The Amalsi leave no survivors.

    Luca lands the Dragonfly in an opening above the glacier nearby.

    Amalsi start gathering in a circle, surrounding the Dragonfly, but they keep their distance.

    As Roy watches them he wonders if it’s fear or hatred about their ship that keeps them from approaching further.

    “I’ll keep the engine running.” Luca tells Roy and Kuna, as they disembark.

    Roy waits for a while near the Dragonfly, while Kuna stands a few meters behind.

    Suddenly, the Amalsi lines open, and their high chief, Vurrha Zatoq steps forward, accompanied by his strongest warriors. These Amalsi are taller and more well built than the rest.

    I will use the GMA to get a reaction from the Amalsi. I get a 6, which is quite average.

    “Meet again. Royxand of the Handskul clan.” Vurrha speaks. “You ride terrifying ancient enemy beast and help free Amalsi from Empire. You get pardon.”

    Roy accepts the greeting. ” Vurrha Zhatoq of the Amalsi. We accept your pardon. Hear me! The Empire will come again these were only scouts. You must leave Amal. Go to the stars. The Amalsi aren’t safe!”

    I will roll a persuasion, opposed.

    Roy: Persuasion: 2/3: Fail

    “Our home is Amal. Here we live, here we die.” Vurrha says with passion, loudly. “Hu-ha!” the Amalsi cry out in unison.

    With that, Kuna grabs the opportunity. He puts his hand on Roy’s shoulder. “You heard them. Let’s get out of here. They don’t want to be saved.”

    Roy doesn’t have a chance to answer, as he hears an Amalsi scream and start shouting something in their tongue.

    Roy will try to understand what it is about.

    Roy: Perception: 1-/2: Failure

    Roy and Kuna can’t understand what the fuss is about.

    Then, without warning, one of the Amalsi guards jumps forward, a javelin at his hand. He aims, and shoots it right towards Kuna.


    Team: 6

    Amalsi: 14

    The Amalsi act first.

    I roll for the distance, and get short.

    Amalsi guard: Throw Javelin to Kuna: 2/2: Hit: 5/3: Left arm: Incapacitated

    Before Roy or Kuna have a chance to react, the javelin flies through the air, and pierces through Kuna’s left shoulder. Kuna drops down in pain.

    The surrounding Amalsi are already readying arrows into their bows. Roy realizes he has no chance, so he stands motionless.

    Then, the Amalsi guard, runs to Kuna, leans over him and snatches from his neck the talisman that he had found in the Dragonfly’s cabin.

    “You carry death here?” He shouts at Roy.

    The Intervention played out. It had to do with Join Locals, Sacreligious, and it’s an Entity Negative Event.

    “Leave.” Vurrha grunts slowly though his teeth.

    Roy wastes no moment. He grabs Kuna from his good shoulder, and they board the ship. As they enter the Dragonfly, he notices another Amalsi guard, bring a maul down to the talisman, shattering it in pieces.

    “The what happened??” asks Luca as Roy puts Kuna in the medbay.

    “It was going well, until they saw that weird talisman on Kuna’s neck, and went berserk. I think they only spared us because we eliminated the imperial outpost. This place is no longer hospitable, Luca, we must get away.” Roy answers.

    Luca runs back to the cockpit, and lifts the Dragonfly above the ground, heading to the stratosphere.

    Roy uses the medpaks to stabilize Kuna.

    Roy: First Aid: 2-/3: Failure, Complication. I decide for the complication that the wound is particularly serious, and can’t be healed with First Aid. Medicine skill or Natural Healing only, can heal Kuna.

    Despite Roy’s attempts, he barely manages to stabilize the bleeding. He notices severe damage to the bone and ligaments and has no idea on how to treat it better.

    As is common between smugglers, Luca has Nav coordinates of some favorite spots stored in his personal data console.

    Q: Does Luca have astrogation data for Prine?

    A: No, but, he has for another system in the same sector.

    I will roll 1D-1 Days and 1D hours: 4 hours base hyperspace trip duration.

    Since the ships of that time period had no Nav Computer, but relied on Nav Beacons to jump, the difficulty will increase by +6.

    I decide to mitigate it by spending 30 additional hours plotting the hyperjump by hand, and have Luca spend 1 CPs to ensure success.

    Astrogation: 5/3: Success: Trip duration 98 hours (~ 4 days).

    The closest destination is Aros. Unfortunately he can’t plug it in the Nav Computer because the Dragonfly doesn’t have one. The calculations at that time period were being performed with Nav Beacons, none of which exist anymore.

    So Luca used a manual astrogator to try to plot a course to Aros. It’s a daunting task, so he took one day to ensure every last bit of the calculations was correct, before initiating the backup hyperdrive. He also took the longer route, avoiding any potential obstacles, even if that increased the duration of the trip by 30 while hours.

    4 days later, the ancient Dragonfly emerges from hyperspace in Aros system, after the planet with the same name.

    Roy: Planetary Systems: 4/3: Success.

    Q: Is there imperial presence in the system? (Unlikely).

    A: No, but, they still have contacts here.

    The planet is a small terrestrial mass with a small continent in a huge sea.

    Aros is not at all interesting to the Empire, so they can lay here low for a while.

    Luca: Sensors Scan: 5 Success.

    Q: Are there other ships nearby?

    A: No, there is no traffic.

    Donjon showed a standard starport.

    Q: Do they grant landing request for the Dragonfly?

    A: No, but, there are landing spots that are not part of the starport.

    Luca runs a scan of the system. No starship traffic at all. He contacts the starport.

    “Aros starport, this is Luca Delste of the Dragonfly, requesting permission to land.” He says over the comms.

    “We hear you Dragonfly. Transmit TransVere.” The starport operator replies.

    “The transponder code was damaged during our travels. We will register for a new one.” says Luca.

    “Negative Dragonfly. No TransVere, no landing. We can arrange for an official to come with a shuttle, but that will cost.” The operator says firmly.

    Luca looks over at Roy. “Let’s find us a landing spot and get someone to register the ship while we’re planetside eh boy?.”

    Roy nods. Luca runs sensors.

    Luca: Sensors Scan: 7+/3: Success

    He finds a nice flat spot with settlements nearby, but far from the starport, where they won’t be detected.

    Luca runs the Dragonfly silent, and slowly descends on the planet.

    Starport: Sensors Scan: 3/5: Failure.

    Luca opens the comms in a new frequency. “Hey Dua! This is Luca. You still have that condo available?” Roy looks at him wondering what is Luca talking about.

    “Certainly, comes a mousey voice.” ‘Sullustan’, Roy thinks. “Is it you and your Red lady?” Dua asks.

    “No, we parted ways, I am with someone older now, more mature.” Luca says.

    “Alright, just hope she’s younger than 100. The room might not fit her otherwise.” Dua keeps the conversation going.

    “Yeah, coming at you old friend.”

    The Dragonfly is guided by Luca’s steady hand in one of the settlements, where, a rooftop opens up, and a small docking bay is revealed. As they land, the rooftop closes up again. Inside, a small, grey skinned sullustan awaits them.

    Luca and Dua greet amicably and exchange their news. He tells Dua that they will stick around a couple weeks at least, while he refreshes his contacts. He needs a data forger for the appropriate documents for the Dragonfly, and a fence to sell the treasures they found.

    Luca: Value: 3/3: Success

    Q: How much is the market value for the 3 golden amulets?

    A: (1D+9 Credits/gram=15 credits per gram) the gold amulets cost around 13500 credits in total.

    Q: How many Coruscant Standard Carats is the diamond ring?

    A: (1D (1/2 – 5 CSC): 5 CSC!

    Q: What is the market value for the diamons?

    A: 2000 credits, the diamond will cost around 10000 credits.

    Luca: Streetwise: Data forger: 4/4: Success

    Data forger cost: 1D+5 thousand credits: 6000

    Luca uses his connections to find a data forger team. They will forge the documents, and then hack the BoSS to submit them to the system. The entire attempt will cost 6000 credits.

    Luca pays for it from their initial credit stash from the Prine-Keena cargo run.

    Now seeing they are low in cash, he will try to sell the three golden amulets and the diamond ring. He evaluates then at about 900 grams good quality gold that will sell at about 15 credits per gram. The diamond ring has a huge stone that Luca estimates must be at 5 Coruscant Standard Carats and nicely cut.

    Luca: Streetwise: Fence: 5 (2+3 bonus)/3: Success

    Using his contacts, Luca manages to sell the jewelry for market value, and returns with 23500 credits.

    Now, Roy’s and his, share amounts to something less than 16000, so they can install a proper hyperdrive and a Nav Computer.

    The Hyperdrive is a Correlian Avatar-10 hyperdrive that will cost them 10000, plus 2000 for the Nav Computer. Installation costs will amount to 25%, for a total of 15000 credits, and it will take one week to install them in Dua’s docking bay.

    In the meantime, Roy, tries to find a proper hospital for Kuna.

    Q: Is there a hospital on Aros?

    A: Yes, but, it doesn’t have a bacta tank.

    Kuna tries to improve through natural healing: Roll: 5: Worsens to Mortally Wounded.

    Roy brings Kuna at the hospital, but the bacta tank is not working, and has been sent out for repairs. They give him the best possible treatment, but the wound is infected with an unknown bacteria, and Kuna actually worsens.

    The doctors give him an option to amputate his shoulder and replace the damaged part with cybernetics.

    Q: How much will it cost?

    A: 1D: 2000 credits.

    Roy and Luca take the credits from Kuna’s share and they pay for the procedure.

    Medical Droid: Medicine (Cybernetic surgery): 6/6: Success

    The surgery is successful, and Kuna finishes the recovery in the hospital. The medical droid did an excellent job.

    Now, the three companions, sit in the hall of the Dragonfly, with the remaining artifact lying on the desk in the front. It’s a small cube with weird markings all over it.

    “I’ll give you my remaining share, and I’ll get to keep it.” Kuna says.

    Luca: Value: 0-/3: Failure

    “It’s a deal. Take that alien trinket, and we keep the 6k.” Luca agrees.

    Roy isn’t sure if that’s the best deal, but seeing how Luca agreed so quickly he dares not interfere. Kuna wanted the darn thing in the first place, so maybe it’s for the best, he thinks.

    Kuna lets of a smile, picks the artifact, puts it in his pocket, and gets off the Dragonfly, his steps on metal echoing in the docking bay.

    As Kuna leaves, Luca puts his hand on Roy’s shoulder. “Smile boy, that’s one less weight on our shoulders. There was something evil about that box, that I don’t want to find out.”

    He then opens his arms, showing the Dragonfly. “We have a new toy and as many credits as we had before we went to that forsaken moon. Where would you like to go next? We’re free to go anywhere.”

    “Let’s go to the canteen.” Roy replies. “I heard that’s the place to go if you’re looking for an adventure!”.

    They share a laugh, and then head of for the so much deserved R&R.

    Rewards: Roy: 1 CP, Luca: 3 CP.

    Session Background: This adventure came to an end. I had more ideas in mind on how the Amalsi story would play out, but the Oracle and bad social skill rolls, gave it this short spin.

    The player side of the story wanted to survive, so when the Amalsi side didn’t seem to be a safe bet no more, I headed to safety.

    In the end I have excellent plot hooks for the next adventures of Roy and Luca, and a very interesting new ancient starship.

    Next, I intend to write down a summary on the entire adventure and how it played out.

  • giorgis 1:30 pm on September 8, 2019 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , StarWars,   

    Solo StarWarsD6 pt19: Dragonfly 

    System: Star Wars D6 by West End Games.
    Setting: Star Wars Era of the Rebellion.
    Character: Royxand Handscul ‘Roy’, Corporate scout
    Luca Delste, Smuggler
    Kuna Desyk, Hacker
    Solo Tools: MUNE, donjon, GameMaster’s Apprentice deck of cards from beta Alone release bundle
    Books: Star Wars The Roleplaying Game Second Edition (West End Games), Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts, Tales of the Jedi Companion.
    Homebrew Rules: D6Legends

    In this session, I’m using a homebrew rules system to streamline the difficulty rolls. I explain everything in detail in my blog here.

    Q: Does Luca find anything worthwhile in the engine room?
    A: No
    Q: Does Roy/Kuna find anything worthwhile going in the cockpit?
    A: No

    Luca reaches the engine room and tries to start up the drive.

    Luca: Space Transports: 2/2: Success

    Luca, somehow feels a familiarity with the ship design, and manages to get the power running in the engine room.

    Q: Does anything unexpected happen?
    A: No

    Roy and Kuna have reached the cockpit room. As Luca powers up the engine, they see some lights turn on in the control panel. The emergency life support lights are now on, as well. Roy checks the ship’s controls.

    Q: Is there any layer of security?
    A: No

    Roy has full access to the ship’s controls. First he powers up life support. Then, he runs diagnostics, to see the state of the starship.

    Here I decided to roll 2D for each of the following systems. A roll of 7 is considered average (worn) condition. A roll of 2 is inoperational and a roll of 12 means the system is as good as new. I chose the 2D, to have that slight increased chance to get an average result, and not be a completely random result. Any result below 7 means that the system is in need of repairs.
    Life Support: 5
    Power: 4
    Engines: 4
    Thrusters: 4
    Lasers: 8
    Torpedoes: 12
    Pulse Cannon: 7
    Missiles: 8
    Hyperdrive: 4
    Hyperdrive Backup: 8
    Sensors: 5
    Comms: 7
    Shields: 2
    Supplies: 8
    Now I consult the rulebook for starship repairs, and I choose based on the results the following:
    The power/engines/thrusters system as a whole will need 6 repair successes.
    The hyperdrive system will need 3 successes.
    The sensors system will need 2 successes.
    The shields are completely unoperational and will need 12 successes.

    As the ship diagnostic chart pulls up in the screen full of red sections, Roy turns to Kuna. “This ship is in sorry state. We will need to conduct repairs if we are to fly out of here. At least-” he pauses as he removes the breath mask. “We can breathe, and there is enough fuel for at least 2 weeks.”

    Luca enters the cockpit smiling. “Least she’s in one piece, right?” He looks at the diagnostics report. “We can, and we will make her fly. I estimate a few hours for engines, hyperdrive and sensors. The shields are completely blown and will need at least a couple of days in the least. I don’t know if it’s worth it.”
    “We’ll need that time to forage for food and water. I doubt there is anything here that isn’t spoiled.” Roy raises his point.
    “Alright. I will perform the repairs, Kuna, will you get to searching the ship?” Kuna nods. “And you boy, get us something edible. Be careful out there, you’ll be on your own. We start tomorrow. Rest now.”

    The trio gets in the passenger living quarters. The ship is made for housing 6 passengers in addition to the crew, so they are quite comfortable, and feel safe for the first time in a long while.

    Every night I will be rolling to check if anything unexpected happens in the next 24 hours. If not, I will proceed to checking the day actions, splitting it in 3 sections.

    Q: Does anything unexpected happen?
    A: No

    Luca: Space Transports Repair: 1 success.

    Luca has found the ship’s repair toolkit and starts working on repairs.

    Kuna connects to the ship computer to see if he can uncover any information.
    Kuna: Computers: 5+

    Connecting to the computer with his datapad, Kuna uncovers the following information:
    The ship’s name is the Dragonfly
    The owner’s name was Khan Cyore
    Manifest shows dry packs, medpacs, exploration gear.
    Last time ship was operation according to log, was 4000 years ago.

    Roy foraging.
    I will run the foraging, in the following manner: A successful Easy sneak roll means Roy is undetected. Otherwise, I will ask the Oracle if there is an encounter.
    For each search success I will be drawing an item from a GMA card. If the result is plausible or useful to the character, he will keep it, otherwise, the chance is lost.
    Each success in survival, rations for 1 day for one person will be found.
    Sneak: 0-/2
    Search: 2: Amulet, torch
    Survival: 3
    Q: Is Roy ambushed?
    A: Yes, but he will have a chance to escape, there is only one foe
    Q: Is it a Hssiss?
    A: Yes, and it’s a big one (+1D Strength)

    On his scout run, Roy searches through the Amalsi buildings. Edible fungi and insects are everywhere, and he starts gathering them, having noticed the Amalsi diet.
    As he is in a house, leaning over a chest where he found a torch and a silver amulet, he notices a big reptile behind him.

    Roy: 14
    Hssiss: 5
    Q: Does Roy have his blaster pistol at hand? (Likely)
    A: Yes
    Q: Distance (point blank/short)
    A: Short

    Round 1:
    Roy shoots the Hssiss twice
    Roy: Shoot: 2+/2: Hit: 4+/5+: No damage, 2+/2: Hit: 1/0: Wounded
    Hssiss: Brawling: 5++/1: Hit: 2/3: No damage

    Round 2:
    Roy shoots the Hssiss twice
    Roy: Shoot: 2/1: Hit: 2/2: Stunned, 1-/1: Hit: 1/2: No damage
    Hssiss: Brawling: 1-/1: Hit, Complication!: 2+/3: No damage
    I decide that the complication is that it got its foot stuck in the chest and needs a Moderate Strength roll to remove it or suffer -1D in actions.

    Round 3:
    Roy shoots the Hssiss twice
    Roy: Shoot: 2/1: Hit: 4/2+: Incapacitated

    The creature is larger than the rest of his kind that the team had met. Roy, blaster in hand blasts off the beast and wounds it. It slashes wildly and only barely scratches Roy’s armor. Roy shoots again, dazing it, and it misses him as it lashes back, getting its paw stuck in the wooden chest Roy had opened. With the beast unbalanced, Roy manages to wound it once more, and it falls to the floor. Roy finishes it off and breathes a sigh of relief.

    Luca: Repairs: 2 Successes. Sensors are fixed. Work on the drives begins.

    Kuna: Searches the ship to see if he will find anything of interest.
    Kuna: Search: 2 Successes: He finds the items described in the manifest in the cargo hold, and the captain’s room, which is locked.

    Roy foraging.
    Sneak: 3/2: Success
    Search: 4+: Prybar
    Survival: 2

    Luca: Repairs: 2 Successes
    Kuna: assists in Repairs: 3 Successes: The engines are fixed!

    Roy foraging.
    Sneak: 3/2: Success
    Search: 4: Bow and arrows.
    Survival: 3

    The day comes to an end, and Roy returns to the Dragonfly. He has brought back a silver amulet, a prybar, a torch, a bow and arrows, and 8 days worth of rations.
    Luca and Kuna have fixed the sensors and power drives, and searched the ship. The captain’s quarters are locked.
    They exchange news and decided that the next day, while Roy continues foraging and Luca conducts repairs, Kuna will attempt to break in the captain’s cabin.

    Q: Does anything unexpected happen?
    A: No

    Luca: Repairs: 2 Successes: Hyperdrive almost fixed.

    In the morning, Luca continues with repairs.

    Kuna attempts to hack open the door: 1-: Fail, Complication!.
    I decided that the door is trapped.
    Trap: Damage: 3/2: Wounded (-1D)

    Kuna goes to open the captain’s cabin, but as he tries to hack the door open, a surge of electricity passes through. The door is trapped!

    Roy foraging.
    Sneak: 3/2: Success
    Search: 4: Amulet, Rope and spikes.
    Survival: 3

    Luca: Repairs: 0 Successes

    Kuna heads to the medbay to perform first aid.
    Kuna: First Aid: 4/2: Healed.

    With Luca otherwise occupied on performing repairs, Kuna goes on his own to the medbay, to heal the electricty burns. Thankfully, their medpacs along with bandages stored in the ship, help alleviate the damage done.

    Roy foraging.
    Sneak: 2/2
    Search: 4++: Diamond jewelry, torch.
    Survival: 2

    Luca: Repairs: 1 Success, Complication!
    I decide that the main hyperdrive is irrepairable, but the backup one is working.

    Kuna will attempt to disarm the trap.
    Kuna: Disarm: 3/3: Success
    Kuna: Security on door: 2/3: Failure

    Roy foraging.
    Sneak: 2/2
    Search: 4+: Leather gloves, sword
    Survival: 4

    At the end of the second day, they again meet to share what happened through the day. Roy has brought an amulet, a diamond ring, another torch, some rope and spikes, leather gloves, a sword, and 9 days worth of rations.
    Kuna has disarmed the security measures that trapped the captain cabin’s door, but hasn’t managed to open it yet.
    Luca saw, that the hyperdrive after all wasn’t repairable and one day was lost trying to make it work.

    Q: Does anything unexpected happen?
    A: No

    Luca: Repairs: 2 Successes
    Kuna: Security on door: 1-/3: Failure

    Roy foraging.
    Sneak: 4+/2
    Search: 5+: Golden amulet
    Survival: 0-. Complication!: The breath mask filters are destroyed. He must return to the ship for the next period or suffer -1D to all actions due to the unbearable atmosphere.

    While Roy is scouting, he notices that the air he breathes feels irritating. Checking the mask filters, he notices a big hole. Some insect that he gathered for food opened it. He has to be more careful next time.

    Luca: Repairs: 6++++ Successes

    Kuna: Security on door: 3+/3: Unlocked!
    Inside he finds some personal items.
    Q: Are there any Sith holocrons?
    A: Yes, but only one.
    Q: Are there any other Sith artifacts?
    A: Yes, and it’s a shield shield (2D).

    After many failed attempts, Kuna manages to get the door to the captain’s cabin open. Dark colors are the choice everywhere. On a desk, he finds a weird talisman, and a strange artifact with some unknown markings. He picks them up to show to his teammates.

    Roy returns to the Dragonfly to change breath mask filters.

    Luca: Repairs: 3 Successes. Shields are almost entirely fixed.
    Kuna: Tries to gain some knowledge about the artifacts: 2/4: Failure

    Roy Foraging.
    Sneak: 1
    Search: 2: Silver amulet, Club.
    Survival: 4
    Here, I failed to ask if Roy has had any encounters.

    At the end of the third day, Luca has managed to get the shields operating at full potential, Kuna found two interesting items in the captain’s quarters, but he can’t figure out anything about them, and Roy recovered two amulets, a club, and 4 days worth of rations for a total of 21 rations.

    Q: Does anything unexpected happen?
    A: No

    In the morning, they decide that it’s high time they left. Luca mans the cockpit, while Roy sits in the gunner’s spot.
    The Dragonfly’s engines power up, the shields are activated, and the remaining ice on top of the hull pops away as if it was a bubble. She starts hovering, the retractable wings are extended and then flies upward.
    “Boy, launch a concussion sphere to the icy rooftop. I will have the shields ready. Brace for impact!” Says Luca, not hiding his joy for being in the pilot’s seat again.

    Q: What is the strength of the ice ceiling?
    A: Moderate
    Roy: Shoot Concussion Sphere: 4/1: Hit: 7/3: Destroyed.

    The concussion sphere pierces through the frozen ceiling, creating an opening.

    Q: Does the ceiling collapse entirely?
    A: No, but there is a big hole large enough for the Dragonfly to pass through, and there is a chunk of ice falling towards the Dragonfly.
    Luca: Space Transports Piloting: 5/3: Success

    As the hole opens, a huge chunk of ice falls towards the Dragonfly, Luca, having expected it, carefully avoids it, and brings her out of the cave and into the atmosphere.

    They run a sensors scan.
    Luca: Sensors: 4 Successes
    Q: Are there other ships in the area?
    A: Yes
    Q: Is the Imperial Lone Scout A?
    A: Yes
    Q: Is it actively scanning?
    A: Yes, but not towards the Dragonfly, their focus is elsewhere.
    Nevertheless, I will roll some passive scanning to see if they detect the Dragonfly by chance.
    Imperial Scout: Sensors: 3/3: Success: They detect a ship (not identify).

    “There’s an Imperial Lone Scout A. He’s scanning us!” Luca says over the comms.
    “Blast the bastard!” Roy eagerly replies.

    I roll 6D for the range, with wild die: 22 units.
    Dragonfly: 10
    Lone Scout: 21

    Round 1:
    The Imperials will need to scan first to evaluate the threat. Just in case, they also raise front shields.
    Shield: 2/2: Success
    Sensors: 2/3: Fail

    Luca: 1 Move toward the Lone Scout, raise front Shields: 0/2: Fail
    Roy: Shoots the Laser Cannons: 2/3: Miss

    As the Imperial Lone Scout scans the Dragonfly, Roy shoots the three fire-linked laser cannons, but misses by a little.

    Round 2:
    Seeing that they are fired upon, they realize the hostile intentions, the Imperial pilot responds in kind and shoots again.
    Imperial: Shoots Laser Cannon: 2/3: Miss, Complication! Lasers are overheated due to a power surge failure, the must cool down for 1D=5 rounds.
    Imperial: Scan: 3/3: Success, Complication! The overheated laser sends a power surge to the comm & sensors system, disabling them as well for 1D=6 rounds. They identify the ship though and realize the danger.

    Luca: 2 Moves toward the Lone Scout, Range is now 10
    Roy: Shoots the Laser Cannon and the Pulse Cannon
    Pulse Cannon: 5/4: Hit: 2/3: No Damage
    Laser Cannon: 1/3: Miss

    The Dragonfly closes in. Roy hits the Imperial Lone Scout with the Pulse-wave Cannon, but the shields deflect the hit. He misses again with the Laser Cannon.

    Round 3:
    Realizing the danger, the Imperial Lone Scout will perform a full dodge
    Luca: 1 Move toward the Lone Scout, Range: 6
    Roy: Shoots the Laser Cannons: 4/7: Miss

    The Imperial Lone Scout, is now so close to the Dragonfly that it can’t escape, and begins full evasive maneuvers. Despite the advance fire-controls for such an ancient ship, Roy can’t get a clear shot.

    Round 4:
    Lone Scout: Full dodge
    Luca: 1 Move toward the Lone Scout, Range: 2
    Roy: Shoots the Laser Cannon and the Pulse Cannon
    Pulse Cannon: 3/5: Miss
    Laser Cannon: 3/5: Miss

    Round 5:
    Lone Scout: Full dodge
    Luca: Keeps the Lone Scout in the front arc
    Roy will spend 2 CPs on the Pulse cannon, and shoot the laser as well.
    Pulse Cannon: 4/5: Miss
    Laser Cannon: 2/5: Miss

    Round 6:
    Q: Now that the lasers are back online does the scout attack?
    A: No, he does a full dodge
    Luca: Keeps the Lone Scout in the front arc
    Roy: Shoots the Laser Cannon and the Pulse Cannon
    Pulse Cannon: 4/5: Miss
    Laser Cannon: 3/5: Miss

    Round 7:
    Q: Now that the scout has comms online, does he try to contact for assistance?
    A: No, he performs another full dodge
    Luca: Keeps the Lone Scout in the front arc
    Roy: Shoots the Laser Cannon and the Pulse Cannon
    Pulse Cannon: 5/6: Miss
    Laser Cannon: 3/6: Miss

    Round 8:
    Q: Seeing that there is no escape, does he try to contact for assistance?
    A: Yes, he will switch to comms
    Lone Scout: Communications: 3/3: Success.
    Roy notices that they have stopped dodging and shoots.
    Roy: Shoots the Laser Cannon and the Pulse Cannon
    Pulse Cannon: 3/2: Hit:2-/1: Lightly Damaged, -1 Move.
    Laser Cannon: 1-/2: Miss.

    For about half a minute, Roy shoots repeatedly with all the Dragonfly’s energy weapons, but the Imperial Lone Scout pilot, makes his efforts fail.
    Suddenly, something seems to distract the Imperial pilot, and Roy gets a shot with the Pulse-wave Cannon, hitting the engines.

    Round 9:
    Q: Does the Lone Scout attack?
    A: Yes.
    Lone Scout: 1/2 Move & Shoot: 1/2: Miss.
    Roy: Shoots the Laser Cannon and the Pulse Cannon
    Pulse Cannon: 1/2: Miss
    Laser Cannon: 3/2: Hit: 6/4: Heavily Damaged, -2 Moves.

    In a quick change of plans, the Lone Scout turns, and shoots at the Dragonfly, but misses. Roy shoots back, and the Three fire-linked Laser Cannons hit the engines, almost disabling them.

    Round 10:
    Since I am having trouble figuring out if the scout will try to escape, dodge, or attack, I will use the GMA to get a reaction. I get a 9! Almost fanatical hatred. They will fight to the end.
    Lone Scout: Shoot Laser Cannon: 1/2: Miss.
    Roy: Shoots the Laser Cannon and the Pulse Cannon
    Pulse Cannon: 3+/2: Hit: 2/5: No Damage.
    Laser Cannon: 2/2: Hit: 5/2: Destroyed.

    They say stupidity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. The Imperial Lone Scout pilot shoots again, misses, and now he’s at the crosshairs of the Dragonfly’s full weaponry.
    Roy sees the targeting reticule light up, and shoots. The Pulse-wave can’t get past the shields, but the fire-linked laser trio blasts through the scout ship, obliterating it. It goes up in a huge ball of flame.

    Kuna joins them and the trio looks at each other.
    “What do we do now?” Roy asks.
    “We get the hell out of here!” Kuna replies. “I’m certain they notified the base, and who knows what will come our way. We better jump system before it starts crawling with Imperial Navy forces.”
    “Did we get what we came for?” Luca questions.
    “I have some codes to crack.” Kuna replies referring to the unknown items that were found in the captain’s cabin. “Plus some jewelry that Roy gathered, that I’m sure will catch a hefty price in the black market. You have a ship. She’s not the Red Rancor, but she may be better with some modern upgrades…”
    “What about the Amalsi?” Roy asks. “Will we leave them to their fate? If the Empire digs that moon any further they may all die.”
    “They would have sold our hides to the Empire!” Kuna objects. “Or did you forget?”
    “Yes, but I can’t but feel responsible. If I had completed my mission in time, it would be Karflo here, and not the Empire. Plus, they did save our lives from the remains of the Red Rancor.” Roy counters.

    Q: Does Luca agree with Roy? (Likely, since he has a sense of honour)
    A: Yes,and he will side with him even if Kuna won’t follow through.
    This also results in an Intervention which I will call for after the dialogue finishes.

    “The boy has his heart in the right place Kuna.” Luca sides with Roy. “What do you say? are you in to keep going?”

    Roy: Persuasion: 1/2: Failure

    Kuna shakes his head. “I don’t agree. I’ll tag along, but as soon as we return to civilized space, we split our share and I’ll head my own way.”

    Roy and Luca nod in an uneasy silence.

    Intervention: Entity Negative
    Q: Is it the Amalsi?
    A: No
    Q: Is it the Imperials?
    A: No
    Q: Is it Kuna?
    A: No
    GMA Portent: Join Locals, Sacreligious
    I have no clue. I decide to pause here to clear my head and grant CPs before proceeding with fresh inspiration.
    Roy: 5 CPs, Luca: 2 CPs, Kuna: 2 CPs.

    Session Background: The group is back at full strength but their objectives are not aligned. Also it begs the question how will they help the Amalsi? Even if they defeat the Empire in Amal, how will they prevent them from coming back? How will the Amalsi greet the characters?
    Just as I was ready to create a character sheet with background for Kuna, he will split from the party.
    What I Liked: The progressive actions (repairs) with the successes mechanic. It worked flawlessly.
    What Needs Changing: Again, the combat needs some refreshing. It’s I hit, you hit, and with Full Dodge hitting is almost impossible. I will think it over.

    • Gatou 6:11 pm on January 13, 2022 Permalink | Reply

      After having thouroughly read your 20-part SW solo play, i’ve pointed that you struggled a couple of times with combat being too much of “I shoot, he hides / he shoots, I hide”. Do you have any recommendation regarding that part ? Some sort of hack you would have come up with ? Thanks a lot 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      • giorgis 6:58 pm on January 13, 2022 Permalink | Reply

        Thank you for following through!
        That’s in part due to the ruleset and in part due to solo play.

        For Fantasy, I found that crunchy rulesets really help, as they deliver a range of interesting results that can completely change the course of combat, and thus break the cycle you mentioned. Alas I haven’t found anything similar for sci-fi that wouldn’t go against the cinematic nature of the theme.

        Therefore for sci-fi I need to take a look at the solo aspect and use tools to assist me.

        The most important question is “what does the enemy do?”
        I know there are plenty of behaviour generators/tables where you roll and get a result that the enemy attacks or surrenders or whatever. I’m not fond of these for two reasons: they can get wild and they can slow down the game.
        Instead I love how the solo skirmish game Five Parsecs from Home handles enemy AI: they move and attack depending on their behaviour type, without any random rolls. So, an aggressive enemy would move as close as possible to get in melee, disregarding cover if needed. This makes sense and helps the game flow.

        Another interesting tool is the Terrain Randomizer. This tool which requires some getting used to, can generate interesting terrain for the combat and maybe something that the player or enemy can use to their advantage.

        In any case overall I found that solo combat in RPGs can be difficult when playing both sides. I’ve read an attempt of a solo player a while back of using solo oriented skirmish games (Five Core Pulp) as the combat framework to their RPG instead of the other way around.

        Hope this helps somewhat.


        • Gatou 7:14 pm on January 13, 2022 Permalink

          It does help yes. Those are, in an other range, similar problems that I have at my table when playing. It tends to disappear when using more narrative rules but looking into your references might solve this. Thanks a lot Giorgis !

          Liked by 1 person

  • giorgis 11:11 am on September 6, 2019 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , StarWars,   

    Solo StarWarsD6 pt18: There Are Dragons 

    System: Star Wars D6 by West End Games.
    Setting: Star Wars Era of the Rebellion.
    Character: Royxand Handscul ‘Roy’, Corporate scout
    Luca Delste, Smuggler
    Kuna Desyk, Hacker
    Solo Tools: MUNE, donjon, GameMaster’s Apprentice deck of cards from beta Alone release bundle
    Books: Star Wars The Roleplaying Game Second Edition (West End Games), Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts, Tales of the Jedi Companion.
    Homebrew Rules: D6Legends

    In this session, I’m using a homebrew rules system to streamline the difficulty rolls. I explain everything in detail in my blog here.
    You can view all my previous and the current posts in this subreddit and in my blog Solo, Pen, Paper and Dice.

    Team: 4.
    Hssiss: 11.

    Round 1:
    The Hssiss on top of the bookcase jumps on top of Luca and attacks.
    H1: Brawling: 0/1: Miss
    The Hssiss that blocks the doorway snaps at Luca as well.
    H2: Brawling: 3+/1: Hit: 0/2: No Damage

    Startled, Luca draws (-1D) his DL-44 and shoots at the second Hssiss.
    Luca: Shoot H2: 2/1: Hit: 4/2: Incapacitated
    Roy pulls his DL-18 and shoots at the remaining Hssiss.
    Roy: Shoot H1: 3+/1: Hit: 3/2: Wounded
    Kuna pulls his DL-18 and shoots at it as well.
    Kuna: Shoot H1: 1/1: Hit: 3/0: Mortally Wounded.

    The reptile on top of the bookcase leaps down, aiming for Luca, but it fails to find him and lands next to him instead. In a coordinated pack tactic action, the other beast snaps at Luca and catches his leg with its forearm, only cutting through the pants , failing to find any flesh.
    Luca quickly pulls his heavy blaster pistol and shoots it point-blank, hitting it and incapacitating the beast. Roy and Kuna draw their guns as well and kill the other reptile.

    “What are those beasts?!” Luca shouts.
    “Probably the dragons that we read about!” Answers Roy.
    “They seem hungry” Kuna fills in. “You mentioned something about a starship of sorts? Sounds like our way out here.”
    “We’ll have to search for it. Let’s hope we won’t become lunch.” Roy agrees.

    Q: Are there more Hssiss visible?
    A: Yes

    As they gather up, looking around, they see movement dancing in the shadows. ‘More of those creatures.’ Roy thinks. ‘They are biding their time and not closing in.’
    Luca catches Roy staring at the shadows. “I know, boy. They must be smarter than they seem. They ain’t Zhorwil. They don’t attack now that they saw what happened to their brethren, but surely they will when they find us weak or at a disadvantage.”

    Q: Do they have any scanner that would assist in locating the starship?
    A: No, but they have night binoculars that will give a +1D bonus.
    Roy: Search: 3+/3: Success
    Q: Are they ambushed on their way?
    A: Yes, and their path leads to a dead end and they have to fight their way out.

    From the upper floor of the building, they scan through the windows using Roy’s night binoculars. In the distance Roy notices a weird frozen block that doesn’t seem to be a building. It must be the starship he thinks. Then, they go ahead and plot their course, using what they see from the top view as a guide, and head on.
    Not every detail is visible though, and as they pass under a bridge, they see that the road ahead is blocked by a collapsed building. They see no way through and must turn back to choose another way.

    Kuna nudges Roy and shows him what the reptiles were planning all along. A large number has surrounded them and they make that awful sound with their lungs. Hssiss…

    Q: How many are there? (1D:+4)
    A: 10
    I will split them in groups of 1D, starting from short distance.
    Group 1: 1D: 4 Hssiss, 7 meters distance
    Group 2: 1D: 1 Hssiss, 20 meters distance
    Group 3: 1D: 5 Hssiss, 40 meters distance
    To make things a bit balanced, I decide that the 3rd group is atop the bridge and start descending from the rubble, that will take an Easy Climbing roll each round.
    Since its an Ambush, I roll to see if the team is surprised prior to rolling initiative.
    Hssiss: Ambush: 1/3: Failure: The team rolls initiative normally.

    Team: 11
    Hssiss: 10

    Round 1:
    Roy shoots at Group1: 2-/2: Hit (Complication): Damage: 1-/3: No damage. Blaster jammed. Roy can’t shoot again unless he successfully does an Easy Technical repair roll.
    Luca shoots at Group1 twice (-1D): 3/2: Hit: 1-/3+: No damage, 1-/2: Miss.
    Kuna shoots at Group1 twice (-1D): 2/2: Hit: 3/3: Stunned, 2/2: Hit: 3/0-: Mortally Wounded.

    The three remaining Hssiss of Group1 will make a move and attack each of the team members separately.
    1st: Brawling (Roy): 0-/1: Miss (Complication) It charges, fails to meet Roy and falls into a pit of rubble, and must make an Easy Climbing roll to get out.
    2nd: Brawling (Luca): 1/1: Hit: 1/1: Stunned (-1D).
    3rd: Brawling (Kuna): 3/1: Hit: 2/2: Stunned (-1D).
    The Group 2 closes in at 4 meters.
    Group 3 starts climbing down. I won’t go into details. An additional rule I set to describe the failed movement roll results, is that a slight loss of control also means that only half the move was performed, while a serious loss of control means that they didn’t manage to move any closer at all. I will just write down their distances after their rolls.
    1: 36m, 2: 32m, 3: 32m, 4: 32m, 5: 32m.

    This time the team has their blasters at the ready. They were expecting trouble.
    Roy counts the beasts and sees a handful emerging from the rubble around them and another handful atop the bridge, starting to climb down the debris.
    He shoots at the closest ones. Hit it, but it doesn’t break a sweat. In addition the connector to his blaster clip has dislodged. He needs to fix it before he can fire again.
    Luca shoots but misses, but Kuna downs one of the beasts in two repeated shots.
    The beasts snap at them. Luca and Kuna are hit and are stunned a bit by the force of their blows, but they manage to stay standing. The dragon that attacked Roy lunges at him, but fails by far to reach him, landing in a big hole instead.
    The rest of the creatures slowly close in.

    Round 2:
    Roy: Blaster repair: 1/2: Fail
    Luca shoots at Group1: 1-/1: Hit: 4+/3: Wounded
    Kuna shoots at the same Hssiss: 3/1: Hit: 4/1: Mortally Wounded

    The Hssiss that has to climb out: Climbing: 2/2: Success: It gets out
    The other one from Group1 attacks Kuna who spends 1 CP to soak damage: Brawling: 1-/1: Hit: 2/3: No damage
    Group 2 attacks Kuna: Brawling: 1-/1: Hit: 1/2: No damage
    Group 3: 1: 28m, 32m, 28m, 24m, 28m

    Roy starts trying to unjam his blaster pistol, while Luca and Kuna kill another of the reptiles. The beast that missed Roy is back on its feet, and another one attacks Kuna, who quickly puts his boot in the beast’s mouth, preventing it from finding flesh.
    The reptiles at the top continue their slow descent. Several pebbles and gravel falling down, as their step is less than ideal.

    Round 3:
    Roy: Blaster repair: 0/2: Fail
    Luca shoots twice at Group 1: 1-/1: Hit: 3/4: No damage, 3/1: Hit: 5+/0: Dead
    Kuna shoots twice at Group 1: 3+/1: Hit: 3/0: Mortally Wounded
    I decide to allow switching targets after declaration, at a further -1D
    Kuna shoots at Group 2: 1/1: Hit: 5/2: Mortally Wounded
    Group 3: 1: 20m, 2: 32m, 3: 20m, 4: 24m, 5: 24m

    Roy continues trying to fix his pistol, while his companions make short work of the beasts surrounding them. Luca kills one with a blaster shot to the head and Kuna puts two more out of the action.
    Some of the descending reptiles are closer and some others are lagging behind.

    Round 4:
    Roy: Blaster Repair: 2/2: Success
    Luca shoots the nearest Hssiss: 3/3: Hit: 3/3: Stunned.
    Kuna shoots the same Hssiss: 3/3: Hit: 1/0: Wounded.
    Group 3: 1: 16m, 2: 28m, 3: 12m, 4: 20m, 5: 16m.

    Roy finally gets his blaster working, as Luca and Kuna off one more descending reptile with their combined shots.

    Round 5:
    Roy shoots the nearest Hssiss: 2/3: Miss.
    Luca shoots the same: 5/3: Hit: 4/2: Incapacitated.
    Kuna shoots the next nearest Hssiss: 1/3: Miss.
    Group 3: 2: 20m, 12m, 12m, 8m.

    As the beasts have a difficulty getting down the steep slope, the team takes this opportunity to pick them off one by one. Another one falls under blaster fire. Nevertheless, one dragon had managed to descend and is about to charge them.

    Round 6:
    Roy shoots the nearest Hssiss: 4+/2: Hit: 3+/3: Stunned.
    Luca shoots the same: 1/2: Miss.
    Kuna shoots the same: 2/2: Hit: 4+/1: Mortally Wounded.
    Group 3: 2: 12m, 3: 12m, 4: 12m.

    The team concentrates their fire on the beast that is about to charge them, and kill it before it has a chance.
    The three last have trouble descending. They look around to see if they can retreat, but they are stuck between rubble. The hunter has become the prey.

    Round 7:
    Roy shoots: 1/2: Miss.
    Luca shoots: 2/3: Miss.
    Kuna shoots: 1/2: Miss.
    Group 3: 2: 4m, 3: 8m, 4: 8m.

    Despite their efforts, they don’t manage to hit any of the beasts, and with a quick leap, they are finally down to ground level.

    Round 8:
    Roy 1/2 Move & Shoot nearest Hssiss: 4/1: Hit: 3/0: Mortally Wounded.
    Luca 1/2 Move & Shoot Hssiss twice: 3+/2: Hit: 3-/1: Incapacitated. Switch (-1D): 2/3: Miss.
    Kuna: 1/2 Move & Shoot Hssiss twice: 1/2: Miss, 1/2: Miss (Complication): Empty Clip.
    Hssiss Move and attack (Who?=Roy): 3+/1: Hit: 0/1: No damage.

    Roy and Luca pick off two of the beasts, while Kuna ends up with an empty clip. He has to reload.
    One dragon, furious charges at Roy, snaps at his hand, but the scout armor protects Roy from the physical attack.

    Round 9:
    Roy shoots Hssiss twice: 2/1: Hit: 3/2: Wounded, 3/1: Hit: 1/3: No damage.
    Luca shoots Hssiss twice: 2/1: Hit: 1/0: Incapacitated.

    Roy and Luca burst off blasts to the last reptile and it falls under concentrated fire.
    The team pauses to recollect themselves. Some beasts are still breathing. They mercy kill them one by one.

    They climb atop of the bridge and with a clear view through binoculars they plan a new route.

    A while later they reach their objective.
    A starship is evident frozen partially under ice.
    It looks to be an ancient design, but more advanced than the first starships of some backwater worlds.
    They stand a while and look in awe.
    “Let’s find a way in, shall we?” Luca says and they try to find the airlock door.

    Q: Is the door reachable?
    A: No, and it’s covered by ice and will require unlocking.

    Here I will roll for one of three starship designs operated by 1-2 crew from Tales of the Jedi Companion.
    Roll: Vaya-class Scout Ship/Coruscant-class Heavy Courier/Delaya-class Courier Ship
    A: It’s the Coruscant-class Heavy Courier

    They locate the airlock on the top side, but its under a thick layer of ice. They will need to remove it.

    Q: Do they have detonite?
    A: No and no other explosives
    Q: Do they have picks?
    A: Yes, but not the vibro-tool design. They are the manual ones.

    Roy removes three picks from the backpack and hands one over to Luca and one to Kuna. “Let’s get to it.” he says and starts hacking at the ice.

    Q: How long? (1: not much, 6: a lot)
    A: A lot
    Intervention: Entity negative (Who?: Roy)
    I draw two cards from GMA for a portent, and get: Regenerate stockpile.
    I interpret it that something happens to Roy that will make their work undone, and will need to be redone.

    It has taken them a few hours of hard work to get to the airlock door. Roy is on top of the opening, when the unremoved ice block next to him cracks and collapses on top of him, covering him and the door.
    The team must get him out before he suffocates!

    Here I call for some rules. Roy will need to make a increased difficult Stamina roll each round, starting from Easy. Each failure, will give him a wound level, that is not an actual wound (i.e. he will not remain wounded), but if he reaches Dead, he dies!
    In order to remove the ice there will be needed 1D: 3 successful Moderate Strength rolls.

    Round 1:
    Roy: 3+/1: Success
    Luca: 3/3: Success
    Kuna: 2/3: Fail

    Round 2:
    Roy: 1/2: Fail, he passes out and is stunned
    Luca: 3/3: Success
    Kuna: 0/3: Fail

    Round 3:
    Roy: 2/3: Fail, wounded
    Luca: 1/3: Fail
    Kuna: 2/3: Fail

    Round 4:
    Roy: 3/4: Fail, incapacitated
    Luca: 2/3: Fail
    Kuna: 2/3: Fail

    Round 5:
    Roy: 3/5: Fail, mortally wounded
    Luca spends 2 CPs to ensure success: 3/3: Success

    Roy starts losing his breath, but pushing themselves harder, they manage to get him out in time. He was starting to become blue from lack of oxygen.
    He hugs them both. “Thank you, you saved my life.”
    “Don’t mention it boy.” Luca waves away the notion of a favor.

    Q: How much more time is needed to clear the airlock again?
    A: Very short time

    Since the ice that collapsed is in smaller pieces, it’s easy to remove it from the airlock. The door is finally accessible.
    Kuna notices the controls, and brings out his datapad to start hacking.

    Kuna: Computer Programming/Repair: 6/3: Success

    “The ship is really old. It has a security layer on the door, but it’s hacked. We can open it.” Kuna says a few minutes later.
    Roy and Luca look at the door. It’s still closed.
    “There is no power! Do I have to explain that as well? We need to manually pry it open now that its unlocked.” Kuna exclaims. He opens a small panel to the side, and turns a knob connected to a cog wheel. A sound is heard, and the door has fist sized opening.
    Roy and Luca start pulling the door to the side until it’s open ajar.

    There is total darkness inside. Nothing is running. No systems powered. Complete silence.
    A chill runs down their spines, and it’s not because of the frozen Amal moon.
    “All systems are dead.” Luca says, closing the door behind them. “Before we get any power to the cockpit, I will need to power up the generator manually. I will head over to find it, while you head to the cockpit, so that we can get everything running smoothly.
    They each take a glowrod, and spread in the ship.

    Session Background: I was concerned at first about those Hssiss. But I read in the rancor pit fora that there are two versions lying around. And the RAW, original that I have is weak. Therefore, a group of should be a challenge. I am glad to see that the team made sort work of them.
    Not much to be told about the session here, only in retrospect I would have made the effort to pull out Roy work in a progressive manner. Instead of 1D moderate rolls, I would have made it like 1D*5 Successes. Luca and Kuna were working on removing Roy from the ice, it makes no sense to make no progress. Just small progress or large progress.
    I am working on a Funds & Resources homebrew rule, but I’m not certain I want to use it yet.
    Combat is the next part that I want tackle, to make it a bit more interesting. I got tired of having to run 13 entities, so I didn’t bother changing AI or interpreting the Wild Die results differently based on the +/- that I noted down. It seems that I will have to write down some homebrew rules *before* running a combat, so that my mind is clear.
    Now we’ll have to see the secrets of the starship, if it’s their way out of there and if they will leave the Amalsi to their Imperial fate…

  • giorgis 5:15 pm on September 1, 2019 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , StarWars,   

    Solo StarWarsD6 pt17: History Revealed 

    System: Star Wars D6 by West End Games.
    Setting: Star Wars Era of the Rebellion.
    Character: Royxand Handscul ‘Roy’, Corporate scout
    Luca Delste, Smuggler
    Kuna Desyk, Hacker
    Solo Tools: MUNE, donjon, GameMaster’s Apprentice deck of cards from beta Alone release bundle
    Books: Star Wars The Roleplaying Game Second Edition (West End Games), Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts, Tales of the Jedi Companion, OpenD6 Fantasy
    Homebrew Rules: D6Legends

    Continuing from the last session, I ask.
    Q: Are there other Amalsi around?
    A: No, and the cell guard is about to leave for cell rounds.
    Roy: Pickpocket (Dexterity,Opposed): 3/2: Target will notice item missing next round.

    Roy will attempt to unlock the door and put back the key before the guard realizes its gone. I decide that’s a moderate Dexterity roll. Roy is wounded and he will spend 2 CPs to ensure success.
    Roy: Dexterity: 3(-)/3: Success

    Roy swiftly picks the keys from the guard, unlocks the door silently and puts the keys back before the Amalsi realizes they’re gone. Unfortunately, as he puts them back, he stumbles and pushes him. The guard turns and looks at him inquisitively.
    “Sorry, water. Thirsty.” Roy says quickly.

    Roy: Con (Opposed): 3/1: Success

    The guard grunts and kicks a bowl of water from under the bars before returning to his post.

    Like clockwork, Roy notices that the guards begin their rounds as they did every night before. A second guard comes and together they leave. Now is Roy’s chance!

    Roy: Sneak: 4(+++)/ Success!
    Wow three 6s in a row on the Wild Die.
    I decide that Roy will move silently like a cat and no one will notice as long as he doesn’t do anything stupid.

    Roy moves silently around the corners, avoiding the guards as he has learned their route by heart. He left behind in his cell a decoy made of blankets, so that no one will notice he is missing. Then he turns his attention to find out where his companions are being held.

    Roy: Search: 4(++)/2: Success
    Another double 6s on the Wild Die!
    He will manage to find his mates and something extra.

    Roy locates the cells of his friends. As he expected they are nearby. He also notices a stash of their belongings. It’s their gear that they had when the Amalsi captured them, and whatever was salvaged from the Red Rancor.

    Q: Is it guarded?
    A: Yes, and it’s two guards who are interested in the items.
    Now I (as a player! and not a GM) had an idea. Roy needs a distraction. He also had noticed their aversion to fire. So I will try to light a fire.
    Q: Is there any flammable material nearby? (Likely since it’s a feudal society)
    A: No, but they have their blankets in the cells.
    Q: Does Roy have a lighter on him? (Likely)
    A: No

    Roy heads over to Lucas cell.
    “Hey.” He whispers.
    “Boy am I happy to see you! Quick, get me out of here.” Luca whispers back.
    “It’s locked. I’ll have to distract them. I’ll need a lighter and your blanket.”

    Q: Does Luca have a lighter? (Likely)
    A: Yes, but, it’s almost empty. It will be good for one use only.

    He takes the blanket and an almost empty lighter and sneaks over to Kuna’s cell.
    “Hey. No time to explain. Lighter and blankets.” He whispers.

    Q: Does Kuna have a lighter? (Likely)
    A: Yes, but, it’s almost empty. It will be good for one use only.

    Kuna gives Roy what he asked, and Roy leaves.
    He sets off to a warehouse-like cavern structure that is out of sight and tries to set the blankets ablaze.

    Roy: Survival: 1/2: Failure.

    The material is damp and cold, and Roy has a hard time setting it on fire. Luca’s lighter empties out in the process, and he tries again with Kuna’s lighter.

    Roy: Survival: 4/2: Success

    His second try, succeful, Roy sets the blankets on fire and hides them in the warehouse. He moves out of sight and waits.
    Not a long while later, the clouds of smoke are visible. The entire contents of the warehouse are on fire and the flames are visible in a distance. Roy heats shouting as the guards notice the flames.

    Q: Do the Amalsi that guard the stash abandon their post? (Likely)
    A: Yes, and they also take the patrolmen with them to fight the fire.

    Roy notices that the Amalsi that guarded the stash with their belongings left in a hurry. He heads over and gathers all he can carry, filling two backpacks.
    He then proceeds to open Luca’s and Kuna’s cells with a trusty blaster pistol shot.

    Q: Do the Amalsi notice the blasts? (Unlikely, since they are distracted firefighting)
    A: Yes

    The shots don’t go unnoticed.
    A guard notices Roy and the team and tries to call for reinforcements.

    Roy turns to Luca. “They hate the fire. I have them something to worry about.”

    Q: Do the Amalsi try to stop the team or the fire?
    A: The fire.

    Despite the guard’s call. No one cares. Eventually he gives up and heads over to assist his kind with the fire.
    The companions leave the Amalsi settlement unopposed and head deeper into a random glacier path.

    Since they are sure to be followed I will roll a Sneak skill attempt.
    Roy: Sneak (Opposed): 3/3(++): Success, but a small group will reach them.

    A while later they hear the sounds of pursuit. The Amalsi must have quenched the fire and sent out search groups.
    Roy heats a ‘swoosh’ sound and a javelin nearly hits him, smashing into the ice next to him. Their pursuers caught up to them!

    1D Amalsi Scouts: 3
    I decide that since the javelin almost hit them, it is at its maximum range 40 meters. I took its stats from OpenD6 Fantasy.

    Team: 15
    Amalsi Scouts: 11

    Round 1:

    I need to know about the environment. I decide that it’s a narrow icy path.
    Q: Is there natural light?
    A: No, but the team has glow rods.
    The glow rods have a range of 50 meters so they should be fine.
    Q: Do they have their blasters at the ready? (Likely Since they are hunted down)
    A: Yes
    Roy shoots at the scout who threw his javelin at him.
    Roy: Shoot Scout 1: 3/4 Miss.
    Luca wants to shoot at their leader to intimidate them.
    So to find out if there is a scout leader, first he must make a successful Moderate Perception roll.
    Luca: Perception: 2/3: Failure
    One of the scouts seems stronger, Luca doesn’t know if he is the leader, but nevertheless he decides to shoot him.
    Luca: Shoot scout 2: 5+/4: Hit (Torso): 4/3: Wounded
    Kuna shoots at the same Amalsi.
    Q: Was his rifle salvaged?
    A: No
    Kuna: Shoot scout 2: 4+/4: Hit (Torso): 3/1: Incapacitated
    The Amalsi must roll a successful willpower roll to stay.
    Amalsi: Willpower: 0
    They retreat.

    Roy shoots at them and misses.
    Luca chooses the strongest looking Amalsi and hits him right on the chest with his DL-44 heavy blaster pistol. That doesn’t bring him down, but Kuna’s follow through shot does.
    Scared the two remaining Amalsi grab their companion and start retreating. They are no match for blasters.

    ”We can’t let them leave! They’ll tell the others!” Kuna says as he starts moving towards the retreating Amalsi.
    Roy stops him. “We’re the intruders here. It will take them a while to drag him back. Listen to me, we need to press on.”

    Roy: Persuasion (Opposed): 1/0: Success

    Kuna nods in agreement and they move on.
    A while later they stop to camp. Kuna attempts to bring Roy back to fighting shape using a Medpac.

    Kuna: First Aid: 2/2: Success

    The medicines and the bandages finally seem to be working. Roy is no longer affected by his wounds.

    Q: Do they find shelter?
    Roy: Survival: 3+/3: Success

    Roy finds a side opening in their path and decide to camp there.
    They feel hopelessly lost. They share some rations and sleep in shifts.

    Q: Does anything occur while they sleep?
    A: No

    They sleep withou any interruptions. Maybe the Amalsi lost their trail.

    Q: Do they have a way of knowing their depth?
    A: Yes, Roy has a barometer/altimeter.
    Roy: Survival: 4/2: Success
    I use GMA scatter to find out if they go up or down, and I get that they are going deeper. Also I want to know where they are heading and get the tags: Skull, Moon, Target. A senses of muffled stealthy footsteps and a location of Colony/Strange city.

    The path they follow heads further below. They notice that it widens a bit and feels walked upon a lot. The ice gives way to rock.
    Then the path finally opens wide. There is a huge cavern. The ceiling is so high that it is not illuminated by the glow rods.
    As they adjust to the new environment they notice that it is a city of sorts. Walls and arches. Roads and buildings. Everything well designed in stone. Very unlike the Amalsi settlement that they were before.
    What makes the trio uneasy is the eerie silence. There is no sign of life at all in this forsaken city.
    They walk through it and their steps echo. Sometimes they think that they hear other footsteps but as soon as they stop to listen, they hear nothing else.
    “What is this place?” Luca asks in a low voice. “It really creeps me out.”
    “Let’s search.” Roy says. “But we need to stick together. I feel as if someone is watching.”

    Roy: Search: 1: 1 Clue.
    Q: Did the Amalsi used to live here?
    A: No, but their ancestors did.

    They enter what seems to big a big building. In the hall there is a huge painting. It doesn’t have the phosphorescent colors that they noticed the Amalsi use.
    It depicts humanoid creatures similar to the Amalsi. They seem taller and stronger, their skin color ranging from tan to dark brown, their fur and manes in vivid dark red colorations, and what seems to be a nose in the middle of their face.
    Around them there is plant life and the sky is colored with the gas giant in the background.
    ‘So the Amal moon wasn’t always frozen? Or did the Amalsi leave their homeworld?’ Roy wonders.

    They decide to search this building further.

    Roy: Search: 7+++: Success!!!
    Wow that’s an insanely good roll. Three 6s on the Wild Die and full success on all dice. I will give Roy the chance to find out what’s going on.
    Now is a good time to set the story, most secrets revealed. As I wrote in previous sessions I have some ideas, and now it is time to ask The Oracle if they are valid.
    Q: Did the Amalsi always live here?
    A: Yes, but the moon wasn’t always frozen.
    Q: Does what happened, have to do with the dark side? (Likely, Since everything points to an evil presence).
    A: Yes, and it has to do with the Sith.
    Intervention! I will roll that after I am done with the 7 questions.
    Q: Is there a Sith starship nearby?
    A: Yes.
    Q: Is there still danger?
    A: Yes, and it’s near the Sith site.
    Q: Is there something valuable? (Likely since there is an imperial presence trying to find it).
    A: Yes, crystals that enhance Force powers.
    Q: Is there danger in the city?
    A: Yes, creatures are stalking them.
    Q: Did the Amalsi stop the Sith?
    A: No, unknown yet how or if they were stopped.

    It seems that the building they are in used to be a library. The books that they find are made from a sodt material that has managed to stand the test of time. They are written in the Amalsi language, but Roy manages to find one that stands out.
    It’s a small document, that is written in both Amalsi and Common, and it even contains an alphabet key between the two languages. It’s labeled “The Annals of The End”.
    Roy reads it, and proceeds to give a summary to his companions.

    “It says how the Amalsi used to live in a lush paradise with abundant flora and fauna and a clean atmosphere.
    One day a metal beast came from the sky, and from its belly descended an evil wizard with his iron minions and his dragons.
    They subsided the Amalsi and had them mine out crystals which were valuable to him.
    The Amalsi that were not sent to the mines were put to constructing a huge metal drill machine.
    Once it was complete, it started boring into the moon.
    That’s when it started. The more it dug down to bring out crystals, the more the air filled with purple dust and poison gasses.
    At first the plants and animals around the mining site withered and died. Many Amalsi followed.
    The bravest tried to rebel and faced off the wizard, but they met their doom at the claws of his dragons.
    The weakest tried to flee away, but they were caught and put to slavery.
    Then the air got so thick that the sunlight couldn’t pass through and an endless winter came. The plants died, the animals too, and cold covered the land.
    The wizard had built a fortress where he lay when he wasn’t in his metal beast.
    The Amalsi that used to live here finally managed to flee the city. Either the wizard didn’t care anymore or something happened to him. But they couldn’t stay here any longer. In addition to the conditions, the wizard’s dragons roamed free and attacked any Amalsi they wanted to eat.
    They organized some hunting groups to kill them, but none returned.

    Intervention: Regress plot
    (Adventure obstacle hindering a plot point).
    Now it’s the time to introduce the obstacle: Hssiss, dark side reptiles taken from The Tales of the Jedi Companion.

    Roy has just finished describing the story of the city to his two mates who are left with mouths agape.
    Then the double doors of their room are opened with a slam!
    ‘Hssiss’ a slithering loud sound is heard and two huge two-meter long reptile beasts charge in. One jumps on top of a bookcase while the other covers the entrance. A double row of spikes extends down their backs from head to tail and four fangs protrude from their jaws.
    These must be the ‘dragons’ the Annals told about.

    Session Background: One of my favorite sessions so far!
    What I Liked: I had my first true player moment, disconnected completely from GM knowledge, when I was trying to figure out the escape plan. I didn’t have to ask The Oracle, I just figured out I needed a distraction, and the fire weakness came to mind! Not a very complex thought I know, but I loved how it played out.
    I also loved how I finally managed to tell the story. I had expected that they would find out what’s going on either from the Imperials or from the living Amalsi, slowly and in separate parts. But the flow changed, and I really liked how there was an abandoned city with lost knowledge.
    I also liked how the Information mechanic I am using worked out (1 Success = 1 question).
    What I want to improve: Resources. I resorted to asking The Oracle if the players had something or not. I want to find a homebrew rule to sort this out. Maybe something similar to the OpenD6 Funds attribute?
    I find it tiresome to have bookkeeping on the inventory, weapons and gear of three characters.

  • giorgis 12:23 am on August 30, 2019 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , StarWars,   

    Solo StarWarsD6 pt16: Under the Glacier 

    System: Star Wars D6 by West End Games.
    Setting: Star Wars Era of the Rebellion.
    Character: Royxand Handscul ‘Roy’, Corporate scout
    Luca Delste, Smuggler
    Kuna Desyk, Hacker
    Solo Tools: MUNE, donjon, GameMaster’s Apprentice deck of cards
    Books: Star Wars The Roleplaying Game Second Edition (West End Games), Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts
    Homebrew Rules: D6Legends

    Looking back at my last two sessions I realize I made a big mistake. I was using my homebrew MythicD6 rules instead of the D6Legends, which means that the difficulty numbers were off.
    This had a direct effect to the game play, making Moderate rolls hard, and Difficult rolls almost impossible.
    That’s why the long-range combat with the Snowtroopers (Moderate to Difficult) took 16! turns and required Oracle interventions to end, that’s why Roy’s incapacitated status wouldn’t heal (Difficult), and that’s why Luca couldn’t get the Red Rancor powered up in time (Difficult).
    Nevertheless, what’s done is done, the story has been written. That’s what happens when you make changes to your system and get back to it after vacations. 🙂

    Luca manages to get back on his feet. He looks around. The snowtroopers are nowhere to be seen. Clouds of smoke cover the scene. He tries to find his companions.

    Luca: Search: 0(-): Fail

    The explosion has spread them apart, and now he can’t seem to orient himself to their original direction. He hopes they are alright. Luca dares not shout to call them yet, just in case the Imperials are somewhere nearby. He looks around some more. Debris and flames are everywhere. His dear ship is gone. Not that it matters now. He must survive, as he has done in the past. He will get past this obstacle.

    Luca: Search: 2

    He doesn’t find Roy or Kuna, but he positions himself nicely in a clearing around the debris. He is easily visible there. Maybe they will find him.

    Q: Is Kuna With Roy?
    A: Yes, and he managed to protect him from the explosion. Intervention (See below).

    Kuna is lying prone on top of Roy. A piece of steel is protruding from his arm. He rolls away and moans.
    “You owe me one Roy.” This bar was heading for your head.

    Intervention: New entity.
    This makes for a perfect introduction of the locals. They noticed the fight and the flare two days ago, they certainly heard the Red Rancor exploding, and with the smoke lifting to the skies, they could locate them easily.

    Kuna seats Roy next to a large piece of what used to be the cargo hold of the Red Rancor, and then, and only then does he see they’re surrounded.

    Q: Are they human?
    A: No and, they’re alien (Roll on Galaxy Guide to Scouts, Alien generation tables).

    Mammal, Land Omnivore, Feudal Tech level, 13D Attribute dice. Enhanced vision (Infrared), Heat sensitivity.
    1.4 meters tall, Move 10/13
    DEX: 2D+1/4D+1
    KNW: 1D+2/3D+1
    MEC: 1D+2/3D+1
    PER: 1D+2/3D+1
    STR: 2D/4D
    TEC: 1D+2/3D+2

    They’re surrounded by short white skinned humanoids with nostrils – where the nose should be. They have lucid green eyes, and white fur running like a mane in the middle of their face, and thickening to the back of their heads. The fur seems to have several patterns in variations of grey.

    Q: Do they speak common?
    A: Yes, but not all of them.

    Most of them hold spears or some other sort of a polearm, and wear long cloaks with similar patterns.
    “Come, take you.” Says one of them, and quickly groups of five grab each of the companions from their limbs and start carrying them. Kuna tries to resist, but they’ve got him locked down. Roy can’t put up any resistance. Several others start stripping the debris for salvage.
    Where did they come from? Kuna wonders, but quickly the answer reveals itself. They enter some barely visible cracks in the glacier and follow a long path, he wouldn’t dare take. They navigate with ease in the glacier paths.

    Where do they arrive? GMA: Huge Cavern.

    They arrive at a huge cavern. The ceiling is lit by phosphorescent tiny fungi. They emit a thick illuminating gas.

    Q: Do the aliens from the Amal moon (Amalsi) heal them?
    A: No, but they will let them rest.

    Luca is separated from his friends. He is in a small cave. Paintings and markings made with some phosphorescent paint cover up the ceiling and walls. He tries to understand their theme, but his attention is draw to the alien standing in front of him in the center of the cave.
    It seems stronger, and more well built than the other short aliens that carried him there. It is wearing some sort of armour with decorations, and from its belt., hangs a scabbard that is about half its size.

    GMA: Who is he (Tags): Crown, Sword, Target
    So he/she is some chief, general, king, warrior.

    “You are enemies of your kind? We saw the white plated Imperial men try to kill you.” The creature speaks.
    Luca nods. Not knowing if the alien would understand the gesture. “My friends… where are they?”
    “Friends? Friends are taken care of.” The alien replies. Luca can’t tell if it is talking about his friends or if it considers him a friend.
    “Who are you? how do you speak our language?” He asks.
    “Men like you have come time before. Amalsi suffered. Amalsi suffer now again!” The creature lets off a screeching sound in anger.
    “I am Vurrha of Zatoq clan. War chief of the Amalsi. Clans are summoned. When they are here. The trial of you will begin.”

    Q: Are they imprisoned until trial? (likely)
    A: Yes

    Luca, Roy and Kuna are imprisoned. They are well fed, given medicine and contained in small cold cells. Any attempts to talk with their Amalsi captors are met with silence.

    12 days pass.
    Q: Do the medicines increase healing rate-or add a die?
    A: They add a die.
    I roll on the natural healing table:
    Kuna: 10: Fully healed.
    Roy: 8: Improve to wounded.
    During this time Roy takes notes of his alien captors.
    Roy: Alien Species: 2 Successes.

    Roy notices a close communal structure. The Amalsi frost white skin gives them a natural camouflage, and they seem to be acclimated to the extreme cold, wearing clothes only as a sign of status rather than for protection from the elements. They seem to dislike the heat, and don’t utilize it or stay near fires unless absolutely necessary. They don’t seem to need the fire anyway, as they can see very well in the dark, and are not impacted by the cold. They are omnivores, eating insects, fungi and algae. The males seem to have a mane that the females are missing.

    A dozen days have passed, and Roy’s wounds are so much better. Only his shoulder hurts a bit. Kuna has healed completely. Suddenly there is a big commotion. The guards enter their cells, and lead them to a huge room. It’s the first time since their capture that they get to see each other. The communicate with looks. They are worried about what may come next, but relieved that they are all alive and well so far.

    In one end of the room there are situated 5 seats, that look like thrones. Atop each, sits an Amalsi. From their decorations and clothes, they are likely importan figures. In the middle, sits Vurrha.
    Seated around the room, in an amphitheatric manner are at least 30 more Amalsi.
    The room is decorated with phosphorescent paintings in the ceiling, depicting abstract patterns.

    A ceremony begins that lasts about 15 minutes, then they start talking in their native language.
    The talk begins with the 30 Amalsi. Each of them speaks once, until in the end an older-looking Amalsi steps forward and makes, what seems to be a statement to the five.
    Each of the five enthroned Amalsi speak then. Vurrha speaks last.
    He speaks in common.
    “State your names.” Vurrha says sternly.
    They all give their names.
    “Now state your purpose.” He continues.
    Roy steps forward.
    Vurrha looks at him. “Speak, Royxand of the Handskul clan.”
    Roy doesn’t pause on the strange reference. Instead he begins. “We are scouts. – I am, and these are my crewmates. I was given a map to this destination, to find what lies here.” He pauses. “I won’t lie to you. We came for profit. We wanted to find something valuable like minerals precious metals. We had no idea you lived here. Then we met with the Empire who thought we were enemies and hurt us and destroyed our ship. What we really want now is a way to leave.”
    Luca and Kuna look at Roy. They would like to disagree, but the boy is right. They have been defeated. They should cut their losses and get the heck out of there.

    A ruckus is made by the audience as soon as Roy told their initial intentions. What worries Roy, is that at the same time, the blue paintings turned to orange.

    Q: Do they acknowledge that Roy is speaking the truth?
    A: No, but they may be convinced (Moderate).

    The Amalsi from the right throne says something to Vurrha. He turns to Roy.
    “And you want treasure no more? Tell why you and Empire different wants!”
    Roy tries hard to understand the bad grammar. Does the Empire want something else? He recalls that they had a snowtrooper tell them some information, but he was too wounded at the time to pay attention.
    “We expected minerals, metals or art. We are not equipped for anything else.” Roy says trying blindly.

    Roy: Persuasion: 2/3: Fail.

    Vurrha moans in distrust.

    I ask a few questions to the Oracle to see what the Amalsi want to do with the group.
    Q: Do they send them on a mission/work to repay their sentence?
    A: No
    Q: Do they let them free?
    A: No, and they will turn them over to the Imperials to appease them.

    A heated discussion begins in Amalsi language. 20 minutes later it ends. They all fall silent. Vurrha turns to Roy.
    “Decision. Royxand of Handskul clan, Luca of Delste clan, Kuna of Desyk clan. Traded to Empire for 10 Amalsi miners.”
    The trio looks at each other terrified. Before they have a chance to contend the decision, guards pick them up and guide them back to their cells.

    Q: Are they in a common cell now, together?
    A: No
    Q: Is there an opportunity to escape?
    A: Yes, but its not going to be easy.
    Q: Who is going to have the chance?
    A: Roy

    Some time has passed, and after some shouting and efforts to break the bars open, they understand the futility and sit silently in their cells. Then, Roy notices that the guard to his cell is leaning to the cell door, his keys dangling from this keyring on his belt. Maybe he can pick them before the guard realizes they are gone…

    Session Background: A mostly narrative session. Just when I had thought that the aliens would assist the team, they are sending them back to the Imperials! Will they manage to escape or will they try again to convince the Imperials that they are not rebels? Maybe the officers are not as stubborn as the stormtroopers.

  • giorgis 7:17 pm on August 25, 2019 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , , , , StarWars,   

    Solo StarWarsD6 pt15: Cold Assault 

    System: Star Wars D6 by West End Games.
    Setting: Star Wars Era of the Rebellion.
    Character: Royxand Handscul ‘Roy’, Corporate scout
    Luca Delste, Smuggler
    Kuna Desyk, Hacker
    Solo Tools: MUNE, donjon, GameMaster’s Apprentice deck of cards
    Books: Star Wars The Roleplaying Game Second Edition (West End Games), Galaxy Guide 8: Scouts
    Homebrew Rules: D6Legends

    Q: Does the team have medpaks with them? (likely)
    A: Yes
    Q: Do they find cover in the glacier? (likely)
    A: Yes

    Luca carries the wounded Roy to a crevice nearby. The opening slowly widens to a cave. Kuna escorts the snowtrooper along.
    “Look after him.” Kuna mentions the snowtrooper to Luca while he pulls a medpak fom his backpack and kneels over Roy.
    “Don’t even think about it.” Luca threatens the snowtrooper, aiming his blaster rifle at him.

    Kuna: First Aid (Technical) on Roy: 2/3 Failure
    Q: Do they have another medpac?
    A: Yes, but it’s their last. They will have to return to the ship to get more supplies.
    Kuna: First Aid on Roy: 1/4 Failure (increase difficulty by one for each attempt in the same day).

    Kuna turns to Luca. “Both wounds are pretty nasty. We’ll have to get him back to the medbay.”
    “Crap.” Luca swears. “It’s going to take us at least 6 hours to get back. At least let him rest a bit to recover his senses before we depart.”

    Incapacitated says unconscious for 10D minutes, I roll 40 minutes. That would mean at least 30 more minutes since some time has elapsed from the point he was wounded.

    In the meantime, Luca interrogates the snowtrooper.

    I got to printing the 60 free cards from the GameMaster’s apprentice deck that at being given with the Alone game engine, and decided to spice up the game a bit by using them. Whenever I will be using them, I will note GMA for reference purposes. For the snowtrooper, I got the following:
    Vice: Fear
    Virtue: Compassion
    Reaction: 8 (Hate/Dislike)
    I interpret the results. This man shouldn’t have been a stormtrooper, he probably was conscripted or had no other choice. Maybe he wanted to be an officer but didn’t pass the tests. Hence his utmost failure in the preceding combat with our team. Since the reaction is 8, but he doesn’t have the upper hand, I decide that Fear will be his driving characteristic in the interaction.

    Luca puts his rifle to the face of the snowtrooper. “Why are you here? What does the Empire want in this forsaken place?”

    Luca: Intimidation (Opposed): 1/0 Success.

    “My name is Crevil Ghyron. Private of the 125th Snowtrooper Battalion.” The snowtrooper answers the preset declaration as a prisoner, his voice shaking.
    “Answer my question!” Luca repeats in anger, and pulls the snowtroopers helmet.
    Behind the mask is a scared boy, no more than 20, who also starts feeling the cold unhealthy atmosphere of the moon.

    Q: Does he know details?
    A: No, but he overheard rumors.

    “Please, please don’t hurt me. Are you rebels? I didn’t hurt any of the locals even if my superiors applaud this behaviour.” Stutters Crevil.
    “No one cares about what you did. What locals? Quit whimpering and speak up.” Luca presses on.
    “We have them mining. I don’t know details. Rumour has it that this is the claim of a major corporation. When their second scout ship never reached back, they figured the place is hostile and sold the coordinates and claim to the Empire.”

    What does the Empire want?
    GMA words give Hide, Aberrant, Fear.
    What kind of fear? GMA Icon tags give Tower (=Stationary obstacle), Skull (=Death), Target (=Object of search).
    Where? GMA gives Location Dangerous Ground.
    The results are pretty self-interpreting. There is something scary and deadly in a dangerous site on this moon, that the Empire wants for its own interest.

    “What are they mining for?” Luca questions.
    “It’s not what. It’s where. We are trying to reach something beneath the ice of the Amal moon. The locals seem very scared and don’t want to keep mining, so we’re here to coerce them.” Crevil responds.
    “Do you have an outpost? We didn’t spot anything from orbit.” Luca continues.
    “It’s all under the glacier. Near the locals settlement.” Says Crevil.
    “Any ships we should worry about? Reinforcements on their way?” Luca interrogates further.

    Q: Does he know? GMA
    A: No

    “I.. don’t know. Our scout ship may be orbiting the other side of the planet and our transport may have left for reinforcements. That information is need to know only.” Crevil says hoping they will believe him.
    Luca sighs, nods, and leaves him be for now.

    I have to ask a meta-gaming question. I will need to find a way to address those in the future.
    Q: Did the Imperials or the locals reach the flare/combat site first? GMA
    A: Imperials
    They will search to find tracks: (Moonlight, Combat, Difficult): 2/4 Fail.

    6 hours have elapsed from when they left. 10 hours to daybreak.

    Time passes and Roy regains consciousness and some mobility. The group slowly heads back towards the Red Rancor.

    I roll a bunch of skills for their trip back.
    Survival: 1(+)
    Search: 1(-)
    Climbing: 3
    Stamina: 2
    Hide: 1

    They get lost a bit in the glacier and it takes them longer than expected, having to make multiple stops for resting, and doubling back when the path doesn’t go further. Finally, they manage to get to the Red Rancor undetected.

    Q: Has the ship been detected yet? (unlikely) GMA
    A: No

    Luca puts Crevil in the brig as Kuna gets Roy set up in the med bay. He will rest until the next day when, another treatment will follow.
    Luca goes outside to see how well hidden is the Red Rancor.

    Q: Is it well hidden? GMA
    A: YES! Snow has covered their tracks and the Red Rancor’s top.

    Luca is content with their hideout. In addition to the small crater that the Red Rancor is located out of sight, fresh snow has provided natural camouflage. They should be safe for a while.

    I decided to use GMA random event generation, mainly to try it out. At first I couldn’t find where to fit it, but a few Oracle questions down the road, it made sense and fit perfectly.
    So the random event draw was: Trap, Haven, with a significance of 6 (5-6 is average combat encounter significance). Location: Mountains obscured by clouds. Catalyst: Kidnapped!.

    The next evening Kuna tries to heal Roy using the medbay medicines and a few medpacs.

    Kuna: First Aid (+1D Medicines) 2/3. Fail.
    Again: 3/4. Fail.
    Again: 4/5. Fail.

    No matter Kuna’s attempts, Roy doesn’t seem to be getting better. The shoulder hit especially has caused a significant loss of blood, and doesn’t seem to patch easily.

    Here I ask further questions from the Oracle. I did two mistakes which I will explain in the end of the post.
    Q: Is the Red Rancor detected? (Unlikely) GMA
    A: Yes.
    Q: Is it Locals or Imperials?
    A: Imperials.
    Q: From where? Space/Air/Land.
    A: Space.
    Q: Is it an imperial scout ship? (Likely)
    A: Yes.
    Q: Does the Red Rancor have a chance to detect the imperial ship?
    A: Yes, but they have passive sensors.
    Luca: Sensors (Passive): 1. Fail.

    So here everything falls into place. The Imperials recovered their downed troopers (most were incapacitated) and they learned about their skirmish with our team and how the must have captured Crevil. (Kidnapped, catalyst).
    They sent a message to their scout ship to perform a search, and it located the Red Rancor in the crater. (Mountains obscured by clouds, location).
    By morning, they have surrounded the ridge of the crater where our team safely resides. (Trap, Haven).

    Next morning, by first light a loud bang noise shakes the ship.
    Luca and Kuna run to the cockpit.
    They can see the ridge surrounded by Imperial snowtroopers. Two of them have mounted an E-Web repeating blaster and fire warning shots to the Red Rancor’s nose. The comms blink and Luca picks it up.
    “Unknown vessel. You are surrounded by the Imperial army. Release your prisoner and surrender. You have five minutes to comply. Any attempt to escape will be considered failure to comply.”

    Luca and Kuna look at each other. “How much time to power up the Red Rancor?” Kuna asks.
    “A bit too much. We were hiding-passive.” Luca responds.

    Here I am at a loss as to how the group will react. Since they’re both NPCs and my main character is out of the scene, I ask the Oracle.
    Q: Does Luca agree to surrender?
    A: Yes, but he will try to Con their way out.

    “Give them Crevil.” He says to Kuna.
    A couple minutes later, a surprised snowtrooper is out of the brig, and leaving the landing ramp of the Red Rancor. As soon as it closes back, Luca opens the comm channel.

    “Here’s your trooper. Unharmed. -look this all has been a huuuge misunderstanding. We’re Karflo scouts from the second expedition. We just lost our way and just arrived. Our lead scout who was wounded in our fight can explain everything to you if you treat him.” Luca exclaims through the comms.

    Luca: Con: 0(-)/3. Fail. No complication, but zero successes and a 1 on the wild die!

    “Trying to take us for a fool rebel scum?” The commander’s stern voice is heard through the comms, and a blast from the E-web is shot at the ship.

    ‘Crap.’ Luca thinks as he starts powering up the Red Rancor.

    A couple issues here. I don’t know how long it will take to power up an idle starship, so I do what a GM would do. Call it. I decide that once Luca succeeds in a Difficult Space Transports they can start powering up shields, weapons and using the engines.
    Second issue is the scaling rules. I’m using the Second Edition rulebook (Blue Vader) where the scaling rules are a limit to the roll of each separate die. This doesn’t work with my homebrew success count rules, so I used the REUP rules where scaling is done by adding a number of dice based on the scale difference.
    Therefore the E-web (character scale) has a +6D to hit the Red Rancor (starfighter scale) and the Red Rancor has the same bonus to resist the E-web damage.

    Round 1:

    I roll for the E-web distance and I get a Medium range (30-200 meters: 120 meters).
    E-web: 6/3. Hit. 3/6: No damage.

    The first shot of the repeating blaster glances of the Red Rancor.

    Round 2:

    Luca: Space Transports: 2/4.
    E-web: 6/3. Hit. 2/4. No damage.

    Another shot of the E-web barely scratches the freighter surface armor as Luca begins the power up sequence.

    Round 3:

    Luca: Space Transports: 2/4.
    E-web: 4/3: Hit: 5/4: Lightly damage, lose 1D shields.

    The next shot of the blaster takes out the shield energy transmittance as Luca hasn’t managed to get power to the shields yet.

    Round 4:

    Luca: Space Transports: 3/4.
    E-web: 3/3. Hit: 3/3. Controls ionized.

    Another shot from the blaster hits an ion fuse box, sending electricity over the cockpit. Controls are frozen.

    Round 5:

    Luca: Controls Ionized.
    E-web: 6/3. Hit: 0/3. No damage.

    Luca waits for the surge of electricity to die down before attempting to touch the controls again, as another shot glances of the freighter.

    Round 6:

    Luca: Space Transports: 3/4.
    E-web: 4/3. Hit. 8/4: Destroyed!!!
    A really lucky roll from the E-web 8D damage against the Red Rancor’s scaled up 9D+2 defense!
    Now since a GM wouldn’t TPK the team necessarily due to a bad dice roll, I will ask the Oracle if I am to give them a chance.
    Q: Do they have time to abandon ship?
    A: Yes

    With the next shot from the E-web red lights flash all over the cockpit. “What?!” Kuna asks worried.
    “The Core Influx Regulator is unstable! We must jump ship! Get Roy. She’s about to explode!”

    I roll an easy Dexterity roll for each of them, and they pass, to get out in time.

    Luca and Kuna assist in getting Roy down the ramp.

    I don’t want to give them an easy out, so:
    Q: Do they get out of the blast radius in time?
    A: No, and the ship exploded moments after they get off.
    Damage to each: 3D.
    Luca: 1/3. No damage.
    Kuna: 1/0(-). Wounded.
    Roy: 2/2. Stunned.

    The Red Rancor explodes as the Are hurled on the ice of the glacier in front of them. Smoke, flames and debris spread in every direction. Roy momentarily loses his consciousness from the blast wave, and Kuna gets a nasty cut to his forearm.

    Q: Do the snowtroopers perform a close up search?
    A: No, but they will do a search with binoculars to ensure there are no survivors.
    Q: Are the survivors possibly visible through the destruction? (Unlikely)
    A: Yes, but the smoke, snow, fire and debris make it difficult to find them.
    Snowtrooper: Search: 3/4. Fail.

    The snowtroopers perform a long-vision sweep of the area, but they can’t find any survivors. A few minutes later, they depart, while our team is left to pick up their pieces.

    Session Background: Wow, just when I thought it couldn’t go harder for my characters, this happens!!! Something evil is going on in this moon, and now they have no way to leave. Wounded, without a shelter. They will need help if they are to make it. Will they find it with the locals? Will they manage to get there?
    Mistakes I made: The question if the Red Rancor was detected has two flaws. First it instills meta-gaming. It’s unavoidable at times, but I don’t like it. Second, it is at odds with the previous question if the ship was well hidden (even though I turned it to Unlikely). I should have at least made an in game mechanic sensors roll and turned the question to if the Red Rancor was possible to be detected, just like I did with the snowtroopers at the end of the session.
    New tools: GMA cards fit perfectly for my session. They are well suited for portents and adventure events seeds. I think it’s better than totally random word generators found online, since I am not that much creative to explain abstract words. I made the mistake of asking Oracle questions to cards at one time and to MUNE at others. I decided that since I have dice available I will stick to MUNE for the Oracle.
    Character Points: So, I realized I forgot to award character points so far. The rulebook says that you should award CPs at the end of the adventure but no longer than 4-5 sessions when the adventure is a long one. Also it states not to give more than 15 CPs per giveaway.
    So even though it’s not the best time, I will give 1 CP on each character per session that they participated.
    Roy: 14 CP, Luca: 11 CP, Kuna: 3 CP.
    I will try to be more organized in the future.

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