In The Aristrax Marches – Ep22

Previously in the Aristrax Marches, the Ravens of Gadun repeated their attempt to destroy Ugmal once and for all, but they failed blatantly. In the battle, Brobern, the young runaway that had joined the warband, was killed by the undead.

Turn 35

No Camp Events were rolled. The Upkeep was at 1 Gold Marks, and Temir reduced his recovery time by 1 Turn. Boots failed to Forage for Herbs, but Bolga was successful in his Hunting Expedition, returning with pelts worth 4 Gold Marks.

With the next item on the Raven’s agenda being the elimination of the Gnawling threat, we shall travel to Fey Wall, near which, their hideout is located.

On the way there we meet up with a Sneaky Thief who managed get away with 4 Gold Marks before we realized it.

On the News Events we learned that Outriders of the local army are patrolling the region, so next turn we don’t have to roll to Travel somewhere.

Omac, the warband leader, was devastated by Brobern’s death. He had been like a son to him, and the thought of losing him was almost too much to bear. Omac knew that he had to be strong for his remaining comrades, but his heart was heavy with grief.
Temir, was injured in the battle. He had been struck in the leg, and he was unable to stand. Omac and the others tried to tend to his wounds, but they had little to offer in the way of healing.
The warband made camp in the Blighted Vale, their spirits low and their bodies battered. Omac spent hours by Brobern’s side, his eyes fixed on the lifeless form of his friend. He knew that they couldn’t stay in the Vale forever, but he didn’t know where to go or what to do next.
As night fell, Omac called a meeting with the remaining members of the warband. They sat in a circle, their faces grim and their eyes haunted.
“We have to leave this place,” Omac said. “We can’t stay here any longer.”
“But where will we go?” asked Myrick.
“I don’t know,” Omac admitted. “But we have to keep moving. We have to find a way to honor Brobern’s memory, and to avenge his death.”
The warband agreed, and they packed up their meager belongings. Temir was carried on a makeshift stretcher, his leg wrapped in bandages. They set out into the night, their footsteps heavy with sorrow.
As they walked, Omac thought about Brobern and all that he had meant to the warband. He knew that they would never forget him, and that they would always carry his memory with them. And he knew that they would continue to fight, no matter what obstacles lay ahead. For they were the Ravens of Gadun, and they would never give up.

During camp, the warband had divided their tasks. Caldas had been assigned to forage for herbs, while Bolga, was tasked with hunting for food. However, things did not go as planned.
Caldas had returned to the camp empty-handed, his small basket dangling from his arm. He had searched high and low for herbs, but had come up empty. Bolga, on the other hand, had been successful in his hunt. He returned to the camp with the pelts of four animals slung over his broad shoulders.
Despite the setback, the warband decided to press on towards the Fey Wall hamlet, which was located near the hideout of the Gnawling horde. They knew that danger lay ahead, but they were determined to complete their mission.
As they made their way towards the hamlet, they encountered a stranger on the road. He was a wiry man with shifty eyes, and he claimed to be a traveler heading in the same direction as the warband. They welcomed him into their group, and he walked with them for several hours.
It wasn’t until they stopped for a break that they realized the stranger had stolen four gold marks from their stash. The thief was nowhere to be seen.
The encounter left the warband on edge, and they were more cautious as they continued their journey towards the Fey Wall hamlet. They knew that they could not let their guard down in the face of danger, and that they needed to be more careful in their dealings with strangers.

The Ravens of Gadun had been travelling through the Aristrax Marches, and had arrived at Fey Wall hamlet, a small settlement near the ratmen horde’s hideout. The warband had been tasked with eliminating the ratmen, and they knew that it would be a dangerous mission.
As they entered the hamlet, they were greeted by the sight of Duke Gauwill’s outriders, who had set up camp nearby. The outriders had been sent ahead of the army to scout the area and gather information about potential threats.
The warband leader, Omac, approached the outriders and asked for information about the area. The outriders informed him that they had scouted the Aristrax Marches thoroughly and had not encountered any major threats. They had not encountered any signs of the ratmen horde, and they believed that the area was relatively safe to travel for a while.
This news was a relief to the Ravens of Gadun, who had been worried about the dangers that lay ahead. With the outriders’ report, they could proceed with their mission to eliminate the ratmen with greater confidence and security.
Thanks to the outriders’ scouting, the Ravens of Gadun were able to proceed through the Aristrax Marches with greater ease and security. The outriders’ expertise and vigilance had made the area safer to travel for a while, allowing the warband to focus on their mission.

Turn 36

No Town Events were rolled. The Upkeep was at 1 Gold Marks, and Temir reduced his recovery time by 1 Turn. For Campaign Activities we decided to Meet the Locals, and we Established Useful Contacts earning us 1 Adventure Point, and also to Visit the Healer to have Temir ready for fighting in the same turn.

The inn in Fey Wall where the warband, Ravens of Gadun, will stay is called The Dancing Nymph. It is a cozy and inviting place, with a warm and welcoming atmosphere that immediately puts travellers at ease.
The exterior of the inn is made of wood and stone, with a thatched roof and a large sign hanging over the entrance. The sign depicts a graceful nymph dancing in a forest glade, and it swings gently in the breeze.
As the warband enters the inn, they are greeted by the sound of laughter and conversation. The main room is spacious and well-lit, with a large fireplace at one end that crackles with warmth. There are several tables and chairs scattered throughout the room, and a long bar lines one wall.
The bar is tended by a friendly fey-blood named Tarek, who greets the warband with a smile and offers them a selection of drinks and meals. The menu includes hearty stews, roasted meats, and freshly baked bread, all made with locally sourced ingredients.
The rooms at The Dancing Nymph are comfortable and well-appointed, with soft beds and warm blankets. Each room has a window that looks out onto the surrounding, providing a peaceful and serene view.
The warband settles in for the night, enjoying the warmth and comfort of The Dancing Nymph. They chat with the other travellers and swap stories over drinks and food, feeling grateful for the sense of community and belonging that the inn provides.

After settling into The Dancing Nymph inn in Fey Wall, the Ravens of Gadun began to establish contacts and gather information about the ratmen horde and their hideout. They knew that they needed allies and support if they were to successfully eliminate the ratmen.
The warband began by talking to the locals in the hamlet, asking about any potential allies or informants. They were pointed towards a group of hunters who often ventured into the surrounding forest, and who might have valuable information about the ratmen.
The Ravens of Gadun set out to find the hunters, and after a few hours of searching, they came across a small group of them, led by a grizzled veteran named Roth. The warband approached the hunters and explained their mission, asking for any information or support that they could provide.
Roth listened carefully to their request and nodded, recognizing the danger that the ratmen posed to the region. He agreed to help the warband, providing them with valuable information about the ratmen hideout and the surrounding terrain.
As they were about to part ways, one of the warband members, Temir, mentioned that he had sustained an injury during their previous battle. Roth recommended that they visit a nearby healer, who might be able to provide some aid.
The healer, a wise old woman named Tova, lived in a small cottage on the outskirts of the hamlet. She welcomed the warband and examined Temir’s injury, offering him a salve made from local herbs and roots. She also provided them with advice on how to stay safe in the forest and avoid potential dangers.
With the information from the hunters and the aid of the healer, the Ravens of Gadun were now better prepared to face the ratmen horde. They set out on their mission with renewed confidence, grateful for the allies and contacts that they had established along the way.

For Adventuring we’ll be fighting the Gnawling Threat, which we found out that is in the Same Map Area, Counting their Pillage and if we fail they will Gather Information.

The battle will take place in the Edge of Woods and our Objective is to Secure the Area.

We’re up against 8 Gnawling Warriors and a Captain, and we failed to Seize Initiative.

The warband, composed of Omac Gadun, Caldas, Bolga, Temir, and Myrick, approached the edge of the woods where the ratmen were counting their plunder. Despite their planning and preparations, they had failed to seize the initiative, and now the ratmen were fully aware of their presence.
As they prepared for battle, tension mounted as the two sides stared each other down. The warband knew that they had a tough fight ahead of them, and they needed to act quickly if they were to emerge victorious.
The ratmen, armed with crude weapons and armor, appeared to be confident in their strength and numbers. The warband would need to use all of their skill and courage to overcome this challenge.
With battle about to commence, the outcome of this encounter was far from certain.



As the tension mounted, Temir drew his bow and took a shot at the enemy captain. However, his aim was off, and the arrow missed its mark. The ratmen responded by firing their crossbows at Omac and Temir, but their aim was just as poor, and the bolts sailed harmlessly past.
Myrick, seeing an opportunity, drew his bow and took aim at a ratman in range. He let loose his arrows, but unfortunately, they missed their target by a wide margin. The warband was quickly realizing that this was not going to be an easy fight, and they needed to adjust their tactics if they were to emerge victorious.


As the two sides closed in around the pond and through the woods, the ratmen fired their crossbows, managing to incapacitate Bolga with a bolt to the leg. Two ratmen closed in on Omac, but he managed to kill one of them with his bastard sword.
Myrick and Temir shot their last arrows, but they missed the ratmen approaching around the lake. Caldas managed to wound one of the ratmen with his fencing sword, and Omac followed up with a deadly strike, killing the ratman.
Despite their losses, the gnawling ratmen were undeterred, and one of them furiously dashed closer to the warband. The warband needed to act fast if they were to fend off this ferocious assault.


As the ratmen continued to shoot their crossbows, one of them ran out of ammo while another managed to hit Omac, piercing through his plate armor and wounding him.
Meanwhile, five ratmen and their captain charged towards Myrick, who engaged them in a bloody melee with his Heartseeker enchanted blade. One by one, he killed them all, leaving a trail of ratmen corpses in his wake.
On the other side of the woods, Caldas engaged in a one-on-one battle with another ratman, which he managed to dispatch with his fencing sword.
Seeing the bloodbath and their comrades falling one by one, the last ratman dropped his crude crossbow and fled in terror.
The warband had emerged victorious, but at a heavy cost. Omac was wounded, and Bolga was incapacitated. They would need to tend to their wounds and regroup before they could continue their journey.



We rolled 6 Adventure Points earned for being Victorious against an Enemy Threat which was spent directly on reducing the Gnawling Threat by 1. Also 1 Adventure Point more for Defeating a Captain. We rolled that one Item was Located, for the Contract thus earning another 1 Adventure Point.
On the injury rolls, Bolga is dead, and I had to spend my last Story Point to reroll this, and he was only Lightly Wounded.
Boots, Omac and Temir earned 2 XP each, while Myrick earned 3 XP and Bolga, being the only casualty earned only 1 XP.
Our Loot roll was a Thief’s Tools, and the Unusual Find was a Longbow which was given to Myrick. Since we stopped the Gnawlings from counting their pillage we earned 1 Gold Mark but no more was given for Securing the Area since we found no valuables.
Finally, no News Events were rolled.

After the intense battle against the ratmen, the warband was both relieved and ecstatic to have emerged victorious. Despite Bolga’s injury, they all knew that it could have been much worse, and they were grateful that he would soon be back on his feet.
As they scoured the battlefield for any spoils of war, they came across a few items that caught their eye. First, they found a longbow, which was in surprisingly good condition considering the chaos of the battle. Omac Gadun, the warband leader, took a closer look and determined that it was a finely crafted weapon, likely made by skilled hands. He knew that it could fetch a good price in the right market.
Next, they found a single gold mark, which was a valuable currency in the region. They were pleased to have come across it, as it would add to their collective wealth and make their future travels a bit easier.
But the most exciting find was the piece of the tapestry of Imel that Gare had been seeking. They recognized it immediately, as Gare had shown them a sketch of it before they parted ways. It was a beautiful piece of art, depicting a serene forest scene with vivid colors and intricate details.
The warband knew that Gare would be thrilled to receive it, and they made a mental note to bring it to him when they next traveled to Newhorn. They understood the importance of keeping their word and helping those in need, especially in a world as dangerous and unpredictable as theirs.
As they gathered their spoils and tended to Bolga’s wound, the warband couldn’t help but feel a sense of camaraderie and satisfaction. They had faced a daunting challenge and emerged victorious, with new treasures to show for it. But more importantly, they had demonstrated their strength, skill, and loyalty to one another, which would serve them well in the battles and adventures that lay ahead.

Session Summary

This was a very short battle lasting only 3 rounds, where we emerged victorious. Having a melee combat skill of +3 is almost certain victory against opponents with less than +2. Right now only extremely strong melee enemies or missile enemies pose a threat to my warband. If the Ravens of Gadun are a spear, Temir and Myrick are the spearhead. There is risk ahead, but I’m quite sure that in most battles, victory will be ensured. Nevertheless, attrition is a real danger. Again, I have no Silvertree Leaf, and I’m just out of Luck Points and Story Points, so any casualties during combat could easily mean the death of another warband member. My next battles will all be revolving around eliminating the Gnawling threat.
Additionally I’ll add another Endgame condition, which is if we reach 90 Turns (the maximum number at my warband roster). I believe we’ll have won or lost by then, but just in case, I’m putting another safeguard. I don’t want to be tired out by this Five Leagues from the Borderlands (note: currently it’s in the GM’s day sale on DTRPG) campaign, so I’m aiming for completion, while in the meantime, I’m slowly getting my itch for Five Parsecs from Home again.
Now something else to bear in mind about Solo gaming. Writing blog, after blog of narrative can be exhausting, and truly I was near burnout again. But I love playing the games, and having a nice description that goes along with it. That’s when I discovered ChatGPT. Many of you must have already read about it. I must say I was quite amazed at it. Sometimes it doesn’t give what you want, but most of the time, if you give it proper information it will come with good results.
All narrative in this particular session was output by ChatGPT, with only minor editing afterwards. Some of the prompts and outputs needed to be re-generated to give a proper result, but I kinda love it.
Don’t get me wrong; you still need to feed it a proper description of what happened, otherwise it will go wild on it’s own, but it takes away some of the heavy lifting of the player. I can imagine it can be used as a great tool for solo roleplaying as well. You can use the ruleset and solo gaming engine to provide the framework, and AI to provide the narrative. I wouldn’t use AI to provide the results without a framework, because that way, whenever you regenerate a prompt it might feel like cheating.
I’m certainly going to try it more.

So for example, here’s what the input of my end was:

‘Temir took a shot at the enemy captain with his bow and missed. The ratmen armed with crossbows shot at Omac and Temir and missed. Myrick shot his arrows at a Ratman in range but missed.’

And the output from ChatGPT was:
‘As the tension mounted, Temir drew his bow and took a shot at the enemy captain. However, his aim was off, and the arrow missed its mark. The ratmen responded by firing their crossbows at Omac and Temir, but their aim was just as poor, and the bolts sailed harmlessly past.’

‘Myrick, seeing an opportunity, drew his bow and took aim at a ratman in range. He let loose his arrows, but unfortunately, they missed their target by a wide margin. The warband was quickly realizing that this was not going to be an easy fight, and they needed to adjust their tactics if they were to emerge victorious.’